mc Command Examples

Midnight Commander, often abbreviated as “mc,” is a powerful terminal-based file manager for Unix-like operating systems. It provides users with a convenient and efficient way to navigate and manage files and directories directly from the command line. Here’s a closer look at its features and functionality:

  • Terminal-Based Interface: Midnight Commander features a text-based user interface (TUI) that runs within a terminal emulator. This allows users to interact with the file manager directly from the command line without the need for a graphical desktop environment. The TUI design makes Midnight Commander lightweight and suitable for use on servers or systems without graphical interfaces.
  • Directory Navigation: Users can navigate the directory structure using various methods, including arrow keys, mouse input (if supported by the terminal emulator), or by typing commands directly into the terminal. Midnight Commander provides a dual-pane layout, allowing users to view and interact with two directory trees simultaneously, making it easy to move or copy files between directories.
  • File Operations: Midnight Commander supports a wide range of file operations, including copying, moving, renaming, deleting, and creating files and directories. Users can perform these operations using keyboard shortcuts or by selecting files and directories with the mouse.
  • File Viewing and Editing: Midnight Commander includes built-in viewers and editors for viewing and editing text files, binary files, and file contents. Users can open files in the internal viewer/editor or specify external applications for handling specific file types.
  • Archive Management: Midnight Commander supports the creation, extraction, and management of various archive formats, including ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, and more. Users can interact with archives directly within Midnight Commander, extracting files, viewing contents, and creating new archives.
  • Customization: Midnight Commander is highly customizable, allowing users to configure key bindings, colors, panel layouts, and other aspects of the user interface to suit their preferences. Configuration options are available through the built-in configuration editor or by editing configuration files directly.
  • Extensions and Plugins: Midnight Commander supports extensions and plugins, which extend its functionality beyond basic file management. These extensions may include additional file operations, integration with version control systems, support for remote file systems, and more.
  • Documentation and Community: Midnight Commander is accompanied by comprehensive documentation, including user manuals, tutorials, and reference guides. Additionally, there is an active community of users and developers who provide support, share tips and tricks, and contribute to the ongoing development of Midnight Commander.

mc Command Examples

1. Start mc:

# mc

2. Start mc in black and white:

# mc -b


Overall, Midnight Commander provides a robust and feature-rich file management solution for users who prefer to work within the confines of the terminal environment. Its intuitive interface, extensive functionality, and flexibility make it a popular choice among command-line enthusiasts and system administrators alike.

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