mcs Command Examples

The “mcs” command stands for “Mono C# Compiler.” It is a command-line tool provided by the Mono project, which is an open-source implementation of the Microsoft .NET Framework. The “mcs” compiler allows developers to compile C# (C Sharp) source code into executable binaries or assemblies that can run on the Mono runtime or the .NET Framework runtime. Here’s a more detailed overview of “mcs” and its functionality:

  • C# Language Support: The “mcs” compiler supports the C# programming language, which is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. C# is widely used for developing a variety of applications, including desktop applications, web applications, mobile apps, games, and more.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Mono, including the “mcs” compiler, is designed to be cross-platform, meaning that it can run on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This allows developers to write and compile C# code on their preferred platform and deploy it to other platforms without modification.
  • Compilation Process: To compile C# source code using “mcs,” developers typically invoke the compiler from the command line and provide the path to the source code files as arguments. “mcs” compiles the source code into Intermediate Language (IL) bytecode, which is then packaged into executable binaries or assemblies.
  • Assembly Generation: “mcs” can generate different types of output depending on the compilation options specified by the developer. This includes standalone executables, class libraries (DLL files), and dynamically linked libraries (shared objects). Developers can also specify options for controlling optimization, debugging information, target framework versions, and more.
  • Integration with .NET Ecosystem: While Mono is an alternative implementation of the .NET Framework, the “mcs” compiler aims to maintain compatibility with the official Microsoft C# compiler (csc.exe) and the .NET Framework runtime. This allows developers to write C# code that can be compiled and executed on both Mono and Microsoft’s .NET runtime environments.
  • Documentation: More detailed information about “mcs” can be found in the associated manual page, which provides usage instructions, command-line options, and examples. The manual page serves as a comprehensive reference for developers who want to leverage the capabilities of the “mcs” compiler.

mcs Command Examples

1. Compile the specified files:

# mcs [path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...]

2. Specify the output program name:

# mcs -out:[path/to/file.exe] [path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...]

3. Specify the output program type:

# mcs -target:[exe|winexe|library|module] [path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...]


Overall, “mcs” is a vital tool for C# developers working with the Mono runtime or the .NET Framework. It provides a convenient and flexible way to compile C# source code into executable binaries or assemblies, enabling developers to create cross-platform applications and libraries using the C# programming language.

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