mitmdump Command Examples

mitmdump is a command-line tool that is part of the mitmproxy suite, which is designed for intercepting, viewing, and modifying HTTP and HTTPS traffic. It is a powerful tool used primarily for debugging, testing, and analyzing network traffic.

Here’s an elaboration on its key functionalities:

  • Viewing Traffic: mitmdump allows you to view HTTP and HTTPS traffic passing through your network in real-time. It provides detailed information about each request and response, including headers, payloads, and timings.
  • Recording Traffic: With mitmdump, you can record HTTP and HTTPS traffic to a file for later analysis. This is particularly useful for capturing network traffic during testing or debugging sessions, allowing you to replay interactions or analyze them offline.
  • Programmatically Transforming Traffic: One of the key features of mitmdump is its ability to programmatically modify HTTP traffic on-the-fly. Using Python scripts, you can intercept requests and responses and apply custom modifications or transformations. This capability is invaluable for simulating various network conditions, testing edge cases, or implementing security measures.
  • Command-Line Interface: mitmdump provides a command-line interface (CLI) for easy interaction. This allows you to start and stop intercepting traffic, specify filters to capture only specific requests or responses, and control various aspects of the interception process.
  • Complement to mitmproxy: mitmdump is often used in conjunction with mitmproxy, which provides a user-friendly interactive console interface for similar purposes. While mitmproxy is more interactive and suitable for manual inspection and manipulation of traffic, mitmdump is more suitable for automated or scripted tasks.

mitmdump Command Examples

1. Start a proxy and save all output to a file:

# mitmdump -w [path/to/file]

2. Filter a saved traffic file to just POST requests:

# mitmdump -nr [input_filename] -w [output_filename] "[~m post]"

3. Replay a saved traffic file:

# mitmdump -nc [path/to/file]


Overall, mitmdump is a versatile tool for analyzing, debugging, and manipulating HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Whether you’re a developer, a security professional, or a network administrator, mitmdump can be a valuable addition to your toolkit for understanding and controlling network communication.

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