lpstat Command Examples

lpstat is a command-line utility used to display status information about printers in a Unix-like environment. It provides users with valuable insights into the current status of printers configured on the system, including information about print queues, print jobs, and printer availability. lpstat serves as a useful tool for monitoring printing activities, diagnosing printing issues, and managing print queues effectively from the command line.

Key features and functionalities of lpstat include:

  • Printer Status: lpstat provides users with an overview of the status of printers configured on the system. Users can obtain information about the availability, online/offline status, and operational state of each printer, allowing them to determine whether printers are ready to accept print jobs or require attention.
  • Print Queue Information: lpstat offers detailed information about the print queues associated with each printer. Users can view the names of print queues, the number of pending print jobs in each queue, the status of print jobs (such as pending, printing, or completed), and other relevant details about print queue activity.
  • Print Job Details: Users can use lpstat to retrieve information about individual print jobs submitted to the print queues. This includes details such as the job ID, job status, job owner, submission time, and completion time. By examining print job details, users can track the progress of print jobs, identify printing errors, and troubleshoot printing issues effectively.
  • Print Queue Management: lpstat facilitates print queue management by providing options for listing, monitoring, and manipulating print queues. Users can view the list of active print queues, check the status of print queues, view detailed information about print jobs in each queue, and perform actions such as canceling print jobs or holding and releasing print queues.
  • Error Detection and Diagnosis: lpstat helps users detect and diagnose printing errors and issues by providing visibility into the status of printers and print queues. Users can identify potential problems such as printer offline errors, print queue congestion, or failed print jobs and take appropriate corrective actions to resolve the issues promptly.
  • Integration with Printing Workflow: lpstat integrates seamlessly with the printing workflow, complementing other CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) command-line utilities and administrative tools. Users can use lpstat in conjunction with tools such as lpr (for submitting print jobs) and lpadmin (for printer administration) to perform comprehensive printing tasks and manage printing operations efficiently from the command line.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: lpstat is compatible with various Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD distributions, that support the CUPS printing system. It provides consistent functionality across different platforms, allowing users to access printer status information and manage print queues regardless of their preferred operating system.

lpstat Command Examples

1. List printers present on the machine and whether they are enabled for printing:

# lpstat -p

2. Show the default printer:

# lpstat -d

3. Display all available status information:

# lpstat -t

4. Show a list of print jobs queued by the specified user:

# lpstat -u [user]


In summary, lpstat is a versatile and essential command-line utility for displaying status information about printers in Unix-like environments. With its support for printer status, print queue information, print job details, print queue management, error detection and diagnosis, integration with the printing workflow, and cross-platform compatibility, lpstat provides users with a powerful tool for monitoring printing activities and managing print queues effectively from the command line.

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