lsd Command Examples

lsd is a modernized alternative to the traditional ls command used for listing directory contents in Unix-like operating systems. Developed in Rust, lsd offers enhanced features and improved user experience compared to the standard ls command. It provides users with a more intuitive and visually appealing way to navigate and explore directory structures.

Key features and functionalities of lsd include:

  • Colorful Output: lsd generates colorized output by default, making it easier for users to distinguish between different types of files and directories. Each file type is displayed in a distinct color, enhancing readability and visual clarity.
  • Customizable Display: Users can customize the display of directory contents by specifying various options and flags. lsd supports options for sorting files, filtering directories, displaying file sizes, and showing hidden files, allowing users to tailor the output according to their preferences.
  • Icons and Symbols: lsd utilizes icons and symbols to represent file types and attributes visually. Instead of relying solely on text-based representations, lsd employs graphical symbols to indicate file permissions, file types, file ownership, and other file attributes, enhancing the visual presentation of directory listings.
  • Git Integration: lsd offers built-in integration with Git repositories, providing users with information about Git status and version control directly in the directory listing. Users can quickly identify modified, staged, and untracked files within Git repositories, streamlining version control workflows.
  • File Metadata: lsd displays detailed metadata information about files and directories, including file permissions, ownership, file size, and modification timestamps. Users can view comprehensive information about each file without requiring additional commands or tools.
  • Recursive Listing: lsd supports recursive listing of directory contents, allowing users to explore nested directory structures and subdirectories. Users can specify the depth of recursion or recursively list all files and directories within a given directory hierarchy.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: lsd is designed to be cross-platform and works seamlessly on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It provides consistent functionality and user experience across different platforms, ensuring compatibility and usability for users on different systems.
  • Extensibility and Customization: lsd is extensible and supports plugins and extensions for additional functionality. Users can extend lsd with custom plugins to add new features, modify behavior, or integrate with external tools and services, enhancing flexibility and customization options.

lsd Command Examples

1. List files and directories, one per line:

# lsd -1

2. List all files and directories, including hidden ones, in the current directory:

# lsd -a

3. List all files and directories with trailing / added to directory names:

# lsd -F

4. List all files and directories in long format (permissions, ownership, size, and modification date):

# lsd -la

5. List all files and directories in long format with size displayed using human- readable units (KiB, MiB, GiB):

# lsd -lh

6. List all files and directories in long format, sorted by size (descending):

# lsd -lS

7. List all files and directories in long format, sorted by modification date (oldest first):

# lsd -ltr

8. Only list directories:

# lsd -d [*/]


In summary, lsd is a versatile and feature-rich alternative to the traditional ls command, offering users an enhanced directory listing experience. With its colorful output, customizable display, icons and symbols, Git integration, file metadata display, recursive listing, cross-platform compatibility, and extensibility, lsd provides users with a modern and intuitive way to navigate and explore directory contents in Unix-like environments.

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