llvd Command Examples

LLVD (LinkedIn Learning Video Downloader) is a software tool designed to facilitate the downloading of educational videos from the LinkedIn Learning platform. LinkedIn Learning offers a vast library of high-quality video courses covering a wide range of topics, including technology, business, creative skills, and more. LLVD provides users with a convenient way to access and save these valuable learning resources for offline viewing.

Key features and functionalities of LLVD include:

  • Download LinkedIn Learning Videos: LLVD allows users to download videos from the LinkedIn Learning platform with ease. Users can specify the URL of the desired course or video, and LLVD will retrieve the video content and save it locally on the user’s device for offline access.
  • Batch Downloading: LLVD supports batch downloading of videos, enabling users to download multiple videos or entire courses simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for users who wish to download entire course libraries or multiple videos at once for offline viewing.
  • High-Quality Video Output: LLVD ensures that downloaded videos maintain their original quality and resolution, preserving the integrity of the educational content. Users can enjoy crisp, clear video playback even when viewing downloaded videos offline.
  • Simple and Intuitive Interface: LLVD features a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and use the software. The download process is streamlined and straightforward, allowing users to quickly initiate and monitor download tasks with minimal effort.
  • Customization Options: LLVD offers customization options that allow users to specify download preferences and settings according to their preferences. Users can choose the desired video quality, format, and download location, ensuring a personalized and tailored downloading experience.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: LLVD is designed to be cross-platform compatible, meaning it can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This ensures that users can access and use LLVD regardless of their preferred computing environment.
  • Open-Source and Community-Driven: LLVD is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, where users can access the source code, contribute to development, and report issues or suggestions. The project benefits from community contributions and feedback, ensuring ongoing development and improvement of the software.

llvd Command Examples

1. Download a [c]ourse using cookie-based authentication:

# llvd -c [course-slug] --cookies

2. Download a course at a specific [r]esolution:

# llvd -c [course-slug] -r 720

3. Download a course with [ca]ptions (subtitles):

# llvd -c [course-slug] --caption

4. Download a course [p]ath with [t]hrottling between 10 to 30 seconds:

# llvd -p [path-slug] -t [10,30] --cookies


Overall, LLVD is a valuable tool for individuals who wish to access and save educational content from the LinkedIn Learning platform for offline viewing. With its intuitive interface, batch downloading capabilities, customization options, and cross-platform compatibility, LLVD offers a convenient and efficient solution for accessing and archiving valuable learning resources from LinkedIn Learning.

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