llvm-as Command Examples

llvm-as is a command-line utility that serves as an assembler for LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) files, converting them into LLVM bitcode format. It is a crucial component of the LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) compiler infrastructure, providing developers with a means to translate human-readable LLVM IR code into a binary representation that can be efficiently processed by LLVM-based tools and compilers.

Key features and functionalities of llvm-as include:

  • Conversion of LLVM IR to Bitcode: llvm-as accepts input files in LLVM Intermediate Representation (.ll) format and generates corresponding LLVM bitcode files (.bc). LLVM IR is a low-level, platform-independent representation of code that serves as an intermediate step in the compilation process. By converting LLVM IR to bitcode, llvm-as prepares the code for further optimization and code generation stages.
  • Flexible Input Format: llvm-as supports LLVM IR files written in human-readable text format (.ll). This format allows developers to write and edit LLVM IR code using simple text editors, making it easy to understand and modify code manually if needed. llvm-as parses the textual representation of LLVM IR and translates it into a binary format suitable for processing by LLVM-based tools.
  • Integration with LLVM Toolchain: llvm-as seamlessly integrates with other components of the LLVM toolchain, such as LLVM compilers (e.g., Clang), optimizers, and linkers. It is commonly used as part of the LLVM compilation pipeline to assemble LLVM IR code generated by frontend compilers into bitcode files that can be optimized and linked with other modules.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): llvm-as provides a command-line interface, allowing users to invoke it from the terminal or command prompt with various options and parameters. Users can specify input and output files, control optimization levels, and configure other settings to tailor the assembly process to their specific requirements.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: llvm-as is designed to be cross-platform compatible, meaning it can run on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that developers can use llvm-as regardless of their preferred development environment, fostering flexibility and convenience.
  • Documentation and Resources: The LLVM project provides comprehensive documentation and resources for llvm-as, including command-line options, usage examples, and troubleshooting guides. Developers can refer to the LLVM documentation website for detailed information on using llvm-as and optimizing LLVM IR code for efficient assembly.

llvm-as Command Examples

1. Assemble an IR file:

# llvm-as -o [path/to/out.bc] [path/to/source.ll]

2. Assemble an IR file and include a module hash in the produced Bitcode file:

# llvm-as --module-hash -o [path/to/out.bc] [path/to/source.ll]

3. Read an IR file from stdin and assemble it:

# cat [path/to/source.ll] | llvm-as -o [path/to/out.bc]


In summary, llvm-as is a versatile and essential tool for converting LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) files into LLVM bitcode format. With its support for flexible input formats, seamless integration with the LLVM toolchain, command-line interface, cross-platform compatibility, and comprehensive documentation, llvm-as plays a critical role in the LLVM compilation process, enabling efficient and effective code assembly for a wide range of software projects.

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