lerna Command Examples

Lerna is a powerful tool designed specifically for managing JavaScript projects that consist of multiple packages. As modern JavaScript development increasingly involves the creation of complex projects with multiple interconnected packages, Lerna streamlines the process of managing such projects by providing a unified solution for versioning, publishing, and organizing packages.

Key features and functionalities of Lerna include:

  • Monorepo Management: Lerna facilitates the organization of JavaScript projects as monorepositories, where multiple packages are housed within a single repository. This approach offers several advantages, including simplified code sharing, centralized configuration, and streamlined dependency management across packages.
  • Package Versioning: Lerna simplifies the process of versioning packages within a monorepo by providing tools for managing version numbers across packages. Developers can increment package versions automatically based on changes, ensuring consistent versioning and compatibility across the entire project.
  • Dependency Management: Lerna provides tools for managing dependencies between packages within a monorepo. It automatically links dependencies between packages, ensuring that changes in one package are reflected in dependent packages without the need for manual intervention. This simplifies the development workflow and reduces the risk of dependency-related issues.
  • Publishing Packages: Lerna streamlines the process of publishing packages to package registries such as npm or Yarn. It provides commands for publishing packages individually or collectively, allowing developers to publish changes across multiple packages simultaneously. Additionally, Lerna supports versioning strategies such as semantic versioning (SemVer), ensuring that published packages adhere to established versioning conventions.
  • Project Bootstrapping: Lerna offers tools for bootstrapping new projects or adding packages to existing projects. It automates common setup tasks such as initializing package.json files, configuring project settings, and installing dependencies, allowing developers to quickly get started with new projects or expand existing ones.
  • Integration with Build Tools and Workflows: Lerna seamlessly integrates with popular build tools and workflows used in JavaScript development, including npm scripts, Yarn workspaces, webpack, and more. This integration ensures compatibility with existing development environments and allows developers to leverage their preferred tools and workflows alongside Lerna.
  • Community Support and Documentation: Lerna benefits from a vibrant and active community of JavaScript developers who contribute to its development, provide support, and share best practices. Additionally, Lerna provides comprehensive documentation and resources to help developers learn about its features, usage, and best practices for managing JavaScript projects with Lerna.

lerna Command Examples

1. Initialize project files (lerna.json, package.json, .git, etc.):

# lerna init

2. Install all external dependencies of each package and symlink together local dependencies:

# lerna bootstrap

3. Run a specific script for every package that contains it in its package.json:

# lerna run [script]

4. Execute an arbitrary shell command in every package:

# lerna exec -- [ls]

5. Publish all packages that have changed since the last release:

# lerna publish


Overall, Lerna serves as an invaluable tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, offering a unified solution for versioning, publishing, and organizing packages within a monorepository. By simplifying common development tasks and providing tools for managing dependencies, Lerna empowers developers to build and maintain complex JavaScript projects with confidence and efficiency.

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