less Command Examples

Less is a versatile command-line utility that allows users to view and interactively read the contents of text files. It provides a user-friendly interface for navigating through files, enabling scrolling, searching, and performing various operations for efficient reading and analysis.

Key features and functionalities of Less include:

  • Interactive Reading: Less opens text files in an interactive mode, allowing users to navigate through the contents of the file seamlessly. Users can scroll up and down within the file, view different sections, and explore the content at their own pace.
  • Efficient Navigation: Less provides intuitive key bindings for navigating through files quickly and efficiently. Users can use arrow keys, page up/down keys, or keyboard shortcuts to move within the file, jump to specific lines, or navigate to the beginning or end of the file.
  • Search Functionality: One of the powerful features of Less is its built-in search functionality. Users can search for specific patterns or keywords within the file, and Less highlights matching occurrences, making it easy to locate relevant information within large text files.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Less supports syntax highlighting for various programming languages and file formats, enhancing readability and making it easier to identify different elements within the text. Syntax highlighting improves the visual presentation of code snippets, configuration files, log files, and other text-based content.
  • Multiple File Viewing: Less allows users to view multiple files sequentially without having to exit and reopen the utility. Users can open multiple files as arguments to the Less command, and navigate between them using convenient navigation commands.
  • Customization Options: Less offers customization options for adjusting various aspects of the viewing experience, such as setting default options, configuring key bindings, and modifying display settings. Users can tailor Less to suit their preferences and workflow requirements.
  • Integration with Pipes: Less seamlessly integrates with the Unix pipe mechanism, allowing users to pipe the output of other commands directly into Less for viewing and analysis. This enables users to combine the functionality of Less with other command-line tools, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.

less Command Examples

1. Open a file:

# less [source_file]

2. Page down / up:

[Space] (down), b (up)

3. Go to end / start of file:

G (end), g (start)

4. Forward search for a string (press n/N to go to next/previous match):


5. Backward search for a string (press n/N to go to next/previous match):


6. Follow the output of the currently opened file:


7. Open the current file in an editor:


8. Exit:



Overall, Less provides a versatile and user-friendly solution for viewing and interacting with text files on the command line. Whether reading log files, analyzing configuration files, or reviewing code snippets, Less empowers users with efficient navigation, powerful search capabilities, and customizable options for an enhanced reading experience.

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