lein Command Examples

Leiningen (lein) is a powerful build automation tool and project management tool for Clojure projects. Developed with simplicity and productivity in mind, Leiningen allows developers to manage Clojure projects efficiently by providing a declarative configuration approach.

Key features and functionalities of Leiningen include:

  • Project Initialization: Leiningen simplifies the process of creating new Clojure projects by providing a convenient project initialization command. With just a single command, developers can create a new Clojure project structure with the necessary directory layout and configuration files.
  • Dependency Management: Leiningen streamlines the management of project dependencies by providing tools for declaring and resolving dependencies from external libraries and repositories. Developers can specify project dependencies in a declarative manner using the project.clj configuration file, and Leiningen handles the retrieval and inclusion of dependencies automatically.
  • Build Automation: Leiningen automates the build process for Clojure projects, allowing developers to define build tasks and workflows using a simple configuration syntax. Developers can specify tasks such as compiling source code, running tests, generating documentation, and packaging artifacts, and Leiningen executes these tasks in the correct order, ensuring a smooth and efficient build process.
  • Integration with Clojure Ecosystem: Leiningen seamlessly integrates with the Clojure ecosystem, including popular tools and libraries such as ClojureScript, Ring, Compojure, and more. Developers can leverage Leiningen to manage dependencies, build, and deploy Clojure applications across a wide range of environments and platforms.
  • Plugin System: Leiningen features a plugin system that extends its functionality and allows developers to integrate additional tools and features into their projects. Developers can choose from a variety of community-contributed plugins to enhance their development workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and customize project configurations according to their needs.
  • Community Support and Documentation: Leiningen benefits from a vibrant and active community of Clojure developers who contribute plugins, provide support, and contribute to the ongoing development of the tool. Additionally, Leiningen provides comprehensive documentation and resources to help developers get started with the tool and leverage its features effectively.

lein Command Examples

1. Generate scaffolding for a new project based on a template:

# lein new [template_name] [project_name]

2. Start a REPL session either with the project or standalone:

# lein repl

3. Run the project’s -main function with optional args:

# lein run [args]

4. Run the project’s tests:

# lein test

5. Package up the project files and all its dependencies into a jar file:

# lein uberjar


Overall, Leiningen serves as a valuable tool for managing Clojure projects, offering a streamlined and declarative approach to project configuration, dependency management, and build automation. By simplifying common development tasks and providing integration with the Clojure ecosystem, Leiningen empowers developers to focus on writing code and building robust, scalable Clojure applications with ease.

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