“kubectl logs” Command Examples

kubectl logs is a command-line tool used to retrieve and display logs generated by containers running within a Kubernetes pod. It is an essential component of the Kubernetes command-line interface (CLI) and provides users with a convenient way to access and monitor the logs produced by applications and services deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of kubectl logs and its features:

  • Container Log Retrieval: The primary purpose of kubectl logs is to retrieve logs from containers running within a Kubernetes pod. Users can specify the name of the pod and, optionally, the container within the pod for which they want to retrieve logs. For example, kubectl logs would retrieve logs from all containers within the specified pod.
  • Streaming Logs: By default, kubectl logs streams logs in real-time, allowing users to monitor ongoing events and activities within containers as they occur. This real-time streaming capability provides immediate visibility into application behavior, errors, and diagnostic information, facilitating rapid troubleshooting and debugging.
  • Timestamps and Formatting: kubectl logs includes timestamps by default, indicating when each log message was generated. Users can also customize the output format to include additional information, such as log labels, pod names, container names, and more, using command options and formatting flags.
  • Tail and Follow Options: kubectl logs supports tailing and following logs, enabling users to continuously monitor log output as new log messages are generated. The –tail option allows users to specify the number of recent log lines to display, while the –follow option enables continuous log streaming.
  • Multiple Containers: In pods with multiple containers, kubectl logs allows users to specify the name of the container for which they want to retrieve logs. This flexibility enables users to focus on specific containers within a pod and isolate log output for individual components or services running within the same pod.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about kubectl logs, including usage examples, command options, and best practices, can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#logs). The documentation offers comprehensive guidance on using kubectl logs effectively and leveraging its features to access and monitor container logs within a Kubernetes cluster.

“kubectl logs” Command Examples

1. Show logs for a single-container pod:

# kubectl logs [pod_name]

2. Show logs for a specified container in a pod:

# kubectl logs --container [container_name] [pod_name]

3. Show logs for all containers in a pod:

# kubectl logs --all-containers=[true] [pod_name]

4. Stream pod logs:

# kubectl logs --follow [pod_name]

5. Stream logs for a specified container in a pod:

# kubectl logs --follow --container [container_name] [pod_name]

6. Show pod logs newer than a relative time like 10s, 5m, or 1h:

# kubectl logs --since=[relative_time] [pod_name]

7. Show the 10 most recent logs in a pod:

# kubectl logs --tail=[10] [pod_name]


Overall, kubectl logs is a valuable tool for accessing and monitoring container logs within Kubernetes pods. It provides users with a convenient and efficient means of troubleshooting, debugging, and monitoring applications and services deployed in Kubernetes environments, helping to ensure the reliability and performance of Kubernetes-based workloads.

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