“kubectl rollout” Command Examples

kubectl rollout is a command-line tool used to manage the rollout process of Kubernetes resources, such as deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets. It is a subcommand of kubectl, which is the Kubernetes command-line interface (CLI), and provides users with a convenient way to control and monitor the deployment of updates and changes to resources within a Kubernetes cluster.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of kubectl rollout and its features:

  • Rollout Management: The primary purpose of kubectl rollout is to manage the rollout process of Kubernetes resources. This includes deploying new versions of applications, updating existing deployments, rolling back to previous versions, and monitoring the progress of rollout operations.
  • Supported Resources: kubectl rollout supports various types of Kubernetes resources, including deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets. These resources represent different types of workload deployments in a Kubernetes cluster, such as long-running services, batch jobs, and stateful applications.
  • Deployment Strategies: kubectl rollout allows users to specify different deployment strategies and options for managing rollouts. This includes strategies such as rolling updates, blue-green deployments, canary deployments, and more, which provide flexibility in controlling the deployment process and minimizing downtime and disruption.
  • Rollback Operations: In addition to deploying new versions of resources, kubectl rollout also supports rollback operations to revert to previous versions in case of issues or failures during the rollout process. Users can easily rollback deployments to a specific revision or version using the kubectl rollout undo command.
  • Status and Progress Monitoring: kubectl rollout provides status and progress monitoring features to track the progress of rollout operations and monitor the health and availability of deployed resources. Users can use commands such as kubectl rollout status to check the status of rollouts and ensure that deployments are proceeding as expected.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about kubectl rollout, including usage examples, command options, and best practices, can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#rollout). The documentation offers comprehensive guidance on using kubectl rollout effectively and managing the rollout process of Kubernetes resources within a cluster.

“kubectl rollout” Command Examples

1. Start a rolling restart of a resource:

# kubectl rollout restart [resource_type]/[resource_name]

2. Watch the rolling update status of a resource:

# kubectl rollout status [resource_type]/[resource_name]

3. Roll back a resource to the previous revision:

# kubectl rollout undo [resource_type]/[resource_name]

4. View the rollout history of a resource:

# kubectl rollout history [resource_type]/[resource_name]


Overall, kubectl rollout is a powerful and versatile tool for managing the deployment and rollout of Kubernetes resources. It provides users with a flexible and efficient means of deploying, updating, and monitoring applications and services within Kubernetes clusters, helping to streamline the development and operations of containerized workloads.

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