knife Command Examples

Knife is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to facilitate interactions with a Chef server directly from a local Chef repository. Chef is a powerful automation platform that enables infrastructure as code (IaC) and configuration management, allowing users to automate the deployment, configuration, and management of infrastructure and applications.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Knife’s features and functionalities:

  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): Knife provides a CLI that allows users to execute commands and perform various operations related to managing infrastructure and configurations. Users can run Knife commands directly from their terminal or command prompt, enabling efficient interaction with Chef servers without the need for a graphical user interface.
  • Interaction with Chef Server: Knife serves as a bridge between a local Chef repository and a Chef server. Users can use Knife to perform tasks such as uploading cookbooks, roles, environments, and data bags to the Chef server, as well as querying and modifying objects stored on the server.
  • Local Chef Repository: Knife operates within the context of a local Chef repository, which typically contains configuration files, cookbooks, recipes, roles, and other artifacts used to define and manage infrastructure. By leveraging a local repository, users can version control their infrastructure code and collaborate with team members more effectively.
  • Integration with Chef Workflow: Knife is an integral part of the Chef workflow, allowing users to automate the deployment and configuration of infrastructure using Chef cookbooks and recipes. Users can use Knife to bootstrap new nodes, apply configurations, and manage infrastructure resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.
  • Extensibility: Knife is highly extensible, allowing users to extend its functionality through plugins and custom scripts. Users can develop custom Knife plugins to automate specific tasks or integrate Knife with other tools and workflows in their environment.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about Knife, including usage instructions, command reference, and best practices, can be found in the official Chef documentation ( The documentation provides comprehensive guidance on getting started with Knife, configuring Knife for use with Chef servers, and utilizing its features effectively.

knife Command Examples

1. Bootstrap a new node:

# knife bootstrap [fqdn_or_ip]

2. List all registered nodes:

# knife node list

3. Show a node:

# knife node show [node_name]

4. Edit a node:

# knife node edit [node_name]

5. Edit a role:

# knife role edit [role_name]

6. View a data bag:

# knife data bag show [data_bag_name] [data_bag_item]

7. Upload a local cookbook to the Chef server:

# knife cookbook upload [cookbook_name]


Overall, Knife is a versatile and powerful tool for managing infrastructure and configurations with Chef. Whether it’s uploading cookbooks, bootstrapping nodes, or automating deployment workflows, Knife streamlines the process of interacting with Chef servers and enables users to manage their infrastructure efficiently from the command line.

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