kompose Command Examples

Kompose is a versatile tool designed to simplify the process of migrating Docker Compose applications to Kubernetes. Docker Compose is a tool used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, while Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform used for managing containerized applications at scale. Kompose bridges the gap between these two technologies by providing a streamlined way to convert Docker Compose files into Kubernetes manifests, allowing users to seamlessly transition their applications to Kubernetes environments.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Kompose’s features and functionalities:

  • Docker Compose to Kubernetes Conversion: Kompose automates the conversion process by analyzing Docker Compose files and generating corresponding Kubernetes manifests. This includes converting services, volumes, networks, and other components defined in the Docker Compose file into equivalent Kubernetes objects such as Pods, Deployments, Services, and PersistentVolumeClaims.
  • Simplified Migration: Kompose simplifies the migration of Docker Compose applications to Kubernetes by abstracting away the complexities of Kubernetes configuration. Users can leverage their existing Docker Compose knowledge and configurations, allowing for a smooth transition to Kubernetes without the need for extensive manual intervention.
  • Support for Kubernetes Features: Kompose supports a wide range of Kubernetes features and capabilities, including replica sets, rolling updates, health checks, service discovery, and load balancing. This ensures that converted applications can take full advantage of Kubernetes’ advanced orchestration capabilities and scalability features.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Kompose offers flexibility and customization options to tailor the Kubernetes manifests generated to specific requirements. Users can override default settings, configure resource limits, define environment variables, and apply annotations and labels to Kubernetes objects, ensuring that converted applications meet their specific needs.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about Kompose, including installation instructions, usage guidelines, and examples, can be found on the official GitHub repository (https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose). The repository provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and community resources to help users get started with Kompose and effectively migrate their Docker Compose applications to Kubernetes.

kompose Command Examples

1. Deploy a dockerized application to Kubernetes:

# kompose up -f [docker-compose.yml]

2. Delete instantiated services/deployments from Kubernetes:

# kompose down -f [docker-compose.yml]

3. Convert a docker-compose file into Kubernetes resources file:

# kompose convert -f [docker-compose.yml]


Overall, Kompose is a valuable tool for organizations and developers looking to leverage Kubernetes’ powerful orchestration capabilities while preserving their investments in Docker Compose applications. By automating the conversion process and providing seamless integration with Kubernetes, Kompose simplifies the migration journey and enables users to harness the full potential of Kubernetes for managing containerized workloads.

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