hub Command Examples

“hub” is a command-line tool that serves as a wrapper for Git, enhancing Git functionality with additional commands tailored for working with GitHub-based projects. It simplifies common GitHub workflows and provides seamless integration between local Git repositories and GitHub repositories. Here are some key features and aspects of “hub”:

  • GitHub Integration: “hub” extends Git commands with GitHub-specific features, allowing users to perform common GitHub operations directly from the command line. This includes creating pull requests, opening issues, cloning repositories, and more.
  • Command Aliasing: By setting up “hub” as instructed by the provided alias, users can seamlessly integrate “hub” commands with Git commands. This means that users can use “git” followed by “hub” commands to perform GitHub-related actions, providing a familiar and intuitive experience for Git users.
  • Streamlined Workflows: “hub” simplifies common GitHub workflows, such as creating pull requests and managing issues, by providing straightforward commands with sensible defaults. This streamlines the process of collaborating on GitHub-based projects and reduces the need to switch between the command line and the GitHub web interface.
  • Repository Cloning: “hub” enhances the “git clone” command with additional functionality for cloning GitHub repositories. Users can specify GitHub usernames and repository names directly in the clone command, making it easier to clone repositories hosted on GitHub.
  • Pull Request Creation: With “hub,” users can create pull requests directly from the command line using the “git pull-request” command. This simplifies the process of contributing code changes to GitHub projects and facilitates collaboration among team members.
  • Issue Management: “hub” provides commands for managing GitHub issues, including opening, listing, closing, and commenting on issues. This allows users to interact with GitHub issues without leaving the command-line environment.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: “hub” is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can utilize the tool regardless of their preferred platform.
  • Open Source: “hub” is an open-source project, allowing users to view the source code, contribute improvements, report issues, and provide feedback. The project benefits from community contributions and collaboration, ensuring its continued development and maintenance.

hub Command Examples

1. Clone a repository using its slug (owners can omit the username):

# hub clone [username]/[repo_name]

2. Create a fork of the current repository (cloned from another user) under your GitHub profile:

# hub fork

3. Push the current local branch to GitHub and create a PR for it in the original repository:

# hub push [remote_name] && hub pull-request

4. Create a PR of the current (already pushed) branch, reusing the message from the first commit:

# hub pull-request --no-edit

5. Create a new branch with the contents of a pull request and switch to it:

# hub pr checkout [pr_number]

6. Upload the current (local-only) repository to your GitHub account:

# hub create

7. Fetch Git objects from upstream and update local branches:

# hub sync


Overall, “hub” is a valuable tool for developers and GitHub users who want to streamline their Git and GitHub workflows. Its integration with Git, simplified commands, and seamless GitHub integration make it an essential component of the development toolkit for GitHub-based projects.

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