hugo Command Examples

“Hugo” is a popular static site generator that simplifies the process of creating static websites. It operates based on templates and themes, allowing users to generate static HTML files from content written in markup languages such as Markdown. Here are some key features and aspects of Hugo:

  • Template-Based Generation: Hugo uses templates to generate static HTML pages from content files. Users define layouts, partials, and other templates to structure the appearance and structure of their websites. This allows for consistent styling and layout across all pages of the website.
  • Content Organization: Content in Hugo is organized into sections and pages. Users can create content files in Markdown or other supported formats and organize them into directories. Hugo automatically converts these content files into HTML pages during the site generation process.
  • Modularity and Components: Hugo supports modularity and component-based development, allowing users to create reusable components and modules for their websites. This facilitates code reusability and simplifies the development process, especially for larger websites with complex layouts.
  • Themes: Hugo provides a wide range of themes that users can apply to their websites to change the appearance and styling. Themes include pre-designed layouts, stylesheets, and assets that users can customize to match their brand or preferences. Users can also create custom themes or modify existing ones to suit their needs.
  • Fast Build Times: One of the key advantages of Hugo is its fast build times. Thanks to its efficient architecture and use of Go programming language, Hugo can generate large static websites quickly, making it suitable for projects of any size.
  • Customization and Extensibility: Hugo offers extensive customization options and is highly extensible. Users can configure various settings, such as URL structure, permalinks, and taxonomies, to tailor the site to their specific requirements. Additionally, Hugo provides a robust plugin system for extending its functionality.
  • Content Management: Hugo includes features for managing content, such as taxonomies, front matter, and content archetypes. Users can organize content using categories and tags, add metadata to content files using front matter, and define custom content types using archetypes.
  • Command-Line Interface: Hugo is primarily operated through the command line, with a set of commands for creating, building, and managing websites. This allows users to perform various tasks, such as creating new content, generating the site, and deploying it to a web server, using simple command-line commands.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Hugo is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can develop and build websites using Hugo on their preferred platform.

hugo Command Examples

1. Create a new Hugo site:

# hugo new site [path/to/site]

2. Create a new Hugo theme (themes may also be downloaded from https://

# hugo new theme [theme_name]

3. Create a new page:

# hugo new [section_name]/[path/to/file]

4. Build a site to the ./public/ directory:

# hugo

5. Build a site including pages that are marked as a “draft”:

# hugo --buildDrafts

6. Build a site to a given directory:

# hugo --destination [path/to/destination]

7. Build a site, start up a webserver to serve it, and automatically reload when pages are edited:

# hugo server


Overall, Hugo is a powerful and versatile static site generator that offers a streamlined development process, fast build times, and extensive customization options. Its modular architecture, template-based approach, and support for themes make it a popular choice among developers and content creators for building modern and responsive websites.

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