httpry Command Examples

“httpry” is a lightweight packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic on a network. It provides users with the ability to monitor HTTP communication in real-time or as a daemon process that logs traffic to an output file. Here are some key features and aspects of httpry:

  • Packet Sniffing: httpry captures and analyzes network packets to monitor HTTP traffic passing through a network interface. It examines the contents of each packet to identify HTTP requests and responses, allowing users to inspect the communication between clients and servers.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: httpry can be run in real-time mode, where it displays HTTP traffic as it is parsed from network packets. This provides users with immediate visibility into HTTP activity, allowing them to monitor network usage and diagnose issues in real-time.
  • Logging Mode: Alternatively, httpry can be run as a daemon process that logs HTTP traffic to an output file. In this mode, httpry continuously captures and logs HTTP requests and responses, enabling users to review past network activity and perform offline analysis.
  • Customizable Output: httpry provides options for customizing the output format and content of logged HTTP traffic. Users can specify which fields to include in the output, such as source and destination IP addresses, HTTP methods, URIs, status codes, and timestamps.
  • Filtering Capabilities: httpry supports filtering HTTP traffic based on various criteria, such as source or destination IP address, port number, HTTP method, URI path, and status code. This allows users to focus on specific subsets of HTTP traffic and ignore irrelevant packets.
  • Efficiency and Performance: httpry is designed to be lightweight and efficient, minimizing resource usage and overhead while capturing and analyzing network packets. This ensures that httpry can run effectively on a wide range of hardware and network environments without impacting performance.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: httpry is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD variants. This ensures that users can utilize the tool regardless of their preferred platform.
  • Open Source: httpry is an open-source project, allowing users to view the source code, contribute improvements, report issues, and provide feedback. The project benefits from community contributions and collaboration, ensuring its continued development and maintenance.

httpry Command Examples

1. Save output to a file:

# httpry -o [path/to/file.log]

2. Listen on a specific interface and save output to a binary pcap format file:

# httpry [eth0] -b [path/to/file.pcap]

3. Filter output by a comma-separated list of HTTP verbs:

# httpry -m [get|post|put|head|options|delete|trace|connect|patch]

4. Read from an input capture file and filter by IP:

# httpry -r [path/to/file.log] '[host]'

5. Run as daemon process:

# httpry -d -o [path/to/file.log]


Overall, httpry is a valuable tool for network administrators, security analysts, and system operators who need to monitor and analyze HTTP traffic on their networks. Its real-time monitoring capabilities, logging mode, customizable output, and filtering capabilities make it a versatile solution for observing and understanding HTTP communication.

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