grap Command Examples

Grap is a specialized preprocessor designed to enhance the capabilities of the groff (GNU Troff) document formatting system, particularly for creating charts and diagrams. As a part of the troff ecosystem, Grap offers a powerful toolset for generating graphical elements within documents, complementing the text-based formatting capabilities of troff.

Here’s a closer look at the features and functionality provided by Grap:

  • Charting Capabilities: Grap excels in the creation of various types of charts, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and more. It allows users to specify data points, labels, and formatting options directly within the troff document, enabling the seamless integration of charts into text-based content.
  • Preprocessing: Grap operates as a preprocessing tool, which means it processes input files before they are passed to the groff formatter. This preprocessing step allows Grap to interpret and render chart specifications into groff-compatible output, ensuring accurate and consistent rendering of graphical elements within documents.
  • Integration with groff: Grap seamlessly integrates with groff, leveraging its powerful typesetting capabilities to produce high-quality documents with embedded charts and diagrams. By working in conjunction with groff, Grap enables users to create visually appealing and informative documents that combine textual content with graphical representations.
  • Syntax and Language: Grap introduces its own domain-specific language (DSL) for defining charts and graphical elements within documents. This language includes constructs for specifying data series, axes, labels, and formatting attributes, providing users with precise control over the appearance and layout of charts.
  • Documentation and Resources: Users can refer to the official documentation for Grap, which provides comprehensive guidance on its usage, syntax, and capabilities. Additionally, online resources and tutorials are available to assist users in mastering the features of Grap and incorporating it effectively into their document creation workflows.

grap Command Examples

1. Process a grap file and save the output file for future processing with pic and groff:

# grap [path/to/input.grap] > [path/to/output.pic]

2. Typeset a grap file to PDF using the [me] macro package, saving the output to a file:

# grap [path/to/input.grap] | pic -T [pdf] | groff -[me] -T [pdf] > [path/to/output.pdf]


Overall, Grap serves as a valuable addition to the groff ecosystem, offering a versatile and flexible solution for incorporating charts and diagrams into troff-formatted documents. With its charting capabilities, seamless integration with groff, and intuitive syntax, Grap empowers users to create visually compelling and informative documents with ease and precision.

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