graphml2gv Command Examples

graphml2gv is a versatile tool designed to convert graphs from the GraphML format to the Graphviz (GV) format. GraphML is an XML-based file format commonly used for representing graph data, while Graphviz is a popular open-source graph visualization software. With graphml2gv, users can seamlessly translate GraphML files into Graphviz’s native format, enabling them to leverage Graphviz’s powerful graph layout and visualization capabilities.

Key features and functionalities of graphml2gv include:

  • GraphML to Graphviz Conversion: graphml2gv specializes in converting GraphML files into Graphviz’s DOT language format. This conversion process preserves the structural information and relationships encoded in the original GraphML graph while adapting it to the syntax and conventions of Graphviz.
  • Compatibility with Graphviz Converters: graphml2gv is part of a suite of converters that facilitate interoperability between different graph formats supported by Graphviz. These converters include gml2gv, gv2gml, gv2gxl, gxl2gv, graphml2gv, and mm2gv. This ecosystem of converters provides users with flexibility in importing and exporting graph data across various formats.
  • Command-Line Interface: graphml2gv offers a command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to invoke the conversion process from the terminal or command prompt. Users can specify input GraphML files as arguments and configure conversion options such as output file names and formatting settings.
  • Documentation and Resources: Users can refer to the official documentation for graphml2gv, which provides detailed information on its usage, command-line options, and examples. Additionally, the documentation includes references to related converters and resources for further exploration of graph visualization and manipulation techniques.
  • Integration with Graphviz: As part of the Graphviz ecosystem, graphml2gv seamlessly integrates with Graphviz’s suite of tools and libraries. Users can leverage Graphviz’s rich set of features for visualizing, analyzing, and manipulating graphs generated from GraphML files converted using graphml2gv.

graphml2gv Command Examples

1. Convert a graph from gml to gv format:

# graphml2gv -o [output.gv] [input.gml]

2. Convert a graph using stdin and stdout:

# cat [input.gml] | graphml2gv > [output.gv]

3. Display help:

# graphml2gv -?


In summary, graphml2gv serves as a valuable tool for converting graph data from the GraphML format to the Graphviz format, enabling users to harness the visualization capabilities of Graphviz for analyzing and presenting complex graph structures. With its intuitive command-line interface, compatibility with Graphviz converters, and comprehensive documentation, graphml2gv empowers users to seamlessly transition between different graph formats and leverage the strengths of Graphviz for graph visualization tasks.

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