gox Command Examples

Gox is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of cross-compiling Go programs. Cross-compilation is the act of compiling code to run on platforms other than the one on which the code is being developed. For instance, you might develop your Go application on a macOS system but need to compile it to run on Linux or Windows systems. Gox automates this process, making it easier for developers to build their applications for multiple platforms.

When you use Gox, you specify the target platforms and architectures you want to compile your Go program for, and Gox handles the rest. It manages the complexities of setting up the cross-compilation environment and invokes the Go compiler with the appropriate flags and configurations to generate binaries for each specified platform.

This tool is particularly valuable for projects that need to support various operating systems and architectures. It saves developers time and effort by automating the tedious task of manually configuring and running the Go compiler for each target platform.

Gox supports a wide range of target platforms and architectures, including popular ones like Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, and more. It provides flexibility and convenience for developers working in multi-platform environments.

gox Command Examples

1. Compile Go program in the current directory for all operating systems and architecture combinations:

# gox

2. Download and compile a Go program from a remote URL:

# gox [url_1] [url_2]

3. Compile current directory for a particular operating system:

# gox -os="[os]"

4. Compile current directory for a single operating system and architecture combination:

# gox -osarch="[os]/[arch]"
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