gpg-tui Command Examples

GPG-TUI, short for GNU Privacy Guard Terminal User Interface, is a utility that provides a user-friendly interface for managing cryptographic keys and performing various encryption tasks via the command line. It’s designed to streamline the use of GPG (GNU Privacy Guard), a widely-used encryption software implementing the OpenPGP standard.

With GPG-TUI, users can interact with GPG functionalities directly within their terminal emulator, enhancing convenience and efficiency. It offers a range of features such as key generation, key listing, encryption, decryption, signing, verifying signatures, and managing key trust levels.

The terminal-based interface of GPG-TUI makes it particularly useful for users who prefer command-line tools or need to work in text-based environments. It provides a straightforward and intuitive way to perform cryptographic operations without relying on graphical user interfaces.

Additionally, GPG-TUI aims to improve the user experience by simplifying complex GPG operations and providing helpful prompts and feedback within the terminal interface. This can be especially beneficial for users who are new to GPG or those who require a more accessible way to manage cryptographic keys and perform secure communications.

Overall, GPG-TUI serves as a valuable tool for individuals and organizations that rely on GPG for secure communication, file encryption, and digital signatures. It offers a convenient and efficient means of utilizing GPG functionalities directly from the command line.

gpg-tui Command Examples

1. Start gpg-tui:

# gpg-tui

2. Start gpg-tui with color and ASCII armored output:

# gpg-tui --style [colored] --armor

3. Show help in gpg-tui:


4. Quit gpg-tui:


5. Interactively generate a new key:


6. Export the selected key:


7. Set the detail level for the selected key:


8. Refresh gpg-tui:

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