“git symbolic-ref” Command Examples

git symbolic-ref is a powerful Git command used to read, change, or delete references (often called symbolic references or symbolic refs) within a Git repository. Symbolic references are pointers that point to other references, such as branches or tags. This command allows you to manipulate these references, offering various capabilities to manage your Git repository’s structure. Let’s delve deeper into what git symbolic-ref can do and how it can be useful:

Reading Symbolic References: You can use git symbolic-ref to read the target reference of a symbolic reference. This helps you discover what a particular symbolic reference is pointing to, providing insight into the state of your repository.

# git symbolic-ref HEAD

This command, for example, reveals the branch that the HEAD symbolic reference is currently pointing to, which is your currently checked-out branch.

Changing Symbolic References: git symbolic-ref allows you to change the target reference that a symbolic reference points to. This operation is particularly useful when you need to move a branch pointer or change what a reference points to without creating a new commit.

# git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/new-branch

In this example, the HEAD symbolic reference is redirected to point to a new branch called new-branch, effectively changing the currently checked-out branch.

Deleting Symbolic References: Symbolic references can also be deleted using git symbolic-ref. This can be helpful if you want to remove a symbolic reference that is no longer needed or is causing conflicts or confusion.

# git symbolic-ref --delete refs/heads/my-symbolic-branch

This command removes the symbolic reference named my-symbolic-branch.

Listing Symbolic References: You can use git symbolic-ref to list all symbolic references in your Git repository. This is valuable for understanding the symbolic references present and how they are organized in your project.

# git symbolic-ref --short refs/

This command provides a list of symbolic references in the specified namespace, offering a quick overview of the repository’s references.

Git Workflow Integration: git symbolic-ref is a versatile tool that can be used in various Git workflows. For example, it can help with branch renaming, merging, and advanced repository maintenance tasks where reference manipulation is necessary.

Git Hooks: Symbolic references can also be used in Git hooks to trigger custom actions when specific branches or references change. For instance, you can set up a hook to perform automated tasks whenever a particular branch is updated.

“git symbolic-ref” Command Examples

1. Store a reference by a name:

# git symbolic-ref refs/name ref

2. Store a reference by name, including a message with a reason for the update:

# git symbolic-ref -m "message" refs/name refs/heads/branch_name

3. Read a reference by name:

# git symbolic-ref refs/name

4. Delete a reference by name:

# git symbolic-ref --delete refs/name

5. For scripting, hide errors with –quiet and use –short to simplify (“refs/heads/X” prints as “X”):

# git symbolic-ref --quiet --short refs/name


In summary, git symbolic-ref is a command that provides the means to work with symbolic references within a Git repository. It allows you to read, change, or delete these references, enabling you to manage your project’s structure and workflow more effectively. This command is particularly valuable when you need fine-grained control over branch and reference manipulation or when you want to automate actions based on reference changes. For detailed information on its usage and options, you can refer to the official Git documentation on git symbolic-ref at https://git-scm.com/docs/git-symbolic-ref.

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