“git tag” Command Examples

The git tag command in Git is a versatile tool used for creating, listing, deleting, or verifying tags. In Git, a tag is a static reference to a specific commit, often used to mark important points in the project’s history, such as release versions, milestones, or significant commits. Here’s a detailed explanation of what you can do with git tag:

Creating Tags: You can use git tag to create tags in your Git repository. Tags are typically used to mark specific commits, and there are two main types of tags:

  • Annotated Tags: These tags include extra information such as the tagger’s name, email, timestamp, and a message. Annotated tags are created using the -a or –annotate option followed by the tag name.
  • # git tag -a v1.0 -m "Initial release"
  • Lightweight Tags: Lightweight tags are simply pointers to specific commits without additional metadata. They are created using just the tag name.
    # git tag v1.0

Listing Tags: You can list all the tags in your Git repository using git tag without any arguments. This is useful for getting an overview of all the tagged points in your project’s history.

# git tag

Deleting Tags: To delete a tag, you can use the -d or –delete option followed by the tag name. This can be helpful if you’ve created a tag by mistake or if you no longer need it.

# git tag -d v1.0

Verifying Tags: You can verify the authenticity of a tag using the git verify-tag command, which checks the cryptographic signature of the tag. This is particularly important for security and ensuring that tags have not been tampered with.

# git verify-tag v1.0

Tagging Commits: You can tag specific commits by providing the commit hash or a reference (e.g., branch name) along with the tag name. This allows you to tag a commit that might not be the current HEAD.

# git tag v1.1 abc1234  # Tag the commit with hash abc1234 as v1.1

Pushing Tags: Tags are not automatically pushed to remote repositories when you push changes. To push tags to a remote repository, you can use the –tags option with git push. This is essential if you want to share your tags with collaborators or make them available in a central repository.

# git push origin --tags

Tagging Best Practices: Tags are commonly used to mark stable release points in a Git project. It’s a good practice to follow a consistent versioning scheme (e.g., Semantic Versioning) for your tags to help users understand the significance of each tag. This makes it easier to track changes and identify important milestones in your project.

“git tags” Command Examples

1. List all tags:

# git tag

2. Create a tag with the given name pointing to the current commit:

# git tag tag_name

3. Create a tag with the given name pointing to a given commit:

# git tag tag_name commit

4. Create an annotated tag with the given message:

# git tag tag_name -m tag_message

5. Delete the tag with the given name:

# git tag -d tag_name

6. Get updated tags from upstream:

# git fetch --tags

7. List all tags whose ancestors include a given commit:

# git tag --contains commit


In summary, git tag is a fundamental Git command that allows you to manage tags in your repository, which serve as static references to specific commits. Tags are essential for tracking significant points in your project’s history, especially when marking releases or important developments. You can use tags to create snapshots of your code at specific points in time, making it easier to collaborate, share, and document your project’s progress. For a more in-depth look at the git tag command and its options, you can refer to the official Git documentation at https://git-scm.com/docs/git-tag.

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