“git mr” Command Examples

The git mr command is part of the “git-extras” extension, which extends Git with additional commands and features. The git mr command is specifically designed to simplify the process of checking out GitLab merge requests locally.

To use git mr, you need to have the “git-extras” extension installed. Once installed, you can run the following command:

# git mr [merge-request-ID]

In this command, [merge-request-ID] represents the identifier or number associated with the GitLab merge request that you want to check out locally.

When you execute the git mr command, it performs the necessary steps to fetch the changes associated with the specified merge request and check them out in your local repository. This allows you to review the code, make additional changes if needed, and test the changes in your local development environment.

The documentation you provided gives an overview of the git mr command and its usage but does not provide further details on its implementation or specific features.

For more detailed information about the git mr command and other commands provided by “git-extras,” you can refer to the official documentation on the GitHub repository you mentioned: https://github.com/tj/git-extras/blob/master/Commands.md#git-mr.

Remember to consult the documentation specific to your version of “git-extras” to ensure accurate usage and compatibility.

git mr Command Examples

1. Check out a specific merge request:

# git mr mr_number

2. Check out a merge request from a specific remote:

# git mr mr_number remote

3. Checkout a merge request from its URL:

# git mr url

4. Clean up old merge request branches:

# git mr clean
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