“git mv” Command Examples

The git mv command is a Git command that allows you to move or rename files within a Git repository while automatically updating the Git index to reflect the changes. This command is particularly useful for keeping track of file movements or renames within your version control history.

Here’s the general syntax for using the git mv command:

# git mv [source-file] [destination-file]

In this command,represents the current location and name of the file you want to move or rename, and represents the new location or name you want to assign to the file.

When you execute the git mv command, Git performs the following actions:

  • It moves or renames the file specified in [source-file] to the location or name specified in [destination-file].
  • It updates the file’s name and location within the Git repository, including the index and the commit history.
  • It stages the file’s movement or rename in the Git index, preparing it for the next commit.

The git mv command helps you maintain a consistent history of file movements and renames within your Git repository. By using this command, Git can accurately track the changes and preserve the file’s history across different commits.

It’s important to note that the git mv command is not required for moving or renaming files in a Git repository. You can achieve the same result by using regular file system commands, such as mv for Unix-like systems or ren for Windows. However, using git mv ensures that the file’s movement or rename is properly recorded in the Git index.

After using git mv to move or rename files, make sure to commit the changes using git commit to create a new commit that reflects the file’s new location or name.

Remember that moving or renaming files using git mv will affect the commit history and potentially impact other branches or references that rely on the file’s previous location. Exercise caution when moving or renaming files, especially in shared repositories or collaborative environments.

For more detailed information about the git mv command and its various options, you can refer to the official Git documentation or use the following command in your terminal:

# git help mv

This will display the Git manual page specifically for the git mv command, providing detailed usage instructions and options. Always review and understand the potential implications of file movements or renames before performing them in your Git repository.

git mv Command Examples

1. Move file inside the repo and add the movement to the next commit:

# git mv /path/to/file /new/path/to/file

2. Rename file and add renaming to the next commit:

# git mv filename new_filename

3. Overwrite the file in the target path if it exists:

# git mv --force file target
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