“git merge-base” Command Examples

The git merge-base command is used in Git to find the common ancestor of two commits. When you create a branch in Git and make changes on that branch, at some point you might want to merge those changes back into another branch. The merge operation requires a common ancestor commit, which serves as the base for the merge.

The git merge-base command helps you determine this common ancestor. It takes two commit references as input, such as branch names or commit hashes, and returns the commit hash of the most recent common ancestor between them.

Here’s how you can use the git merge-base command:

# git merge-base [commit1] [commit2]

[commit1] and [commit2] can be branch names like master or feature/branch, or commit hashes like a1b2c3d or HEAD~3.

The command will output the commit hash of the common ancestor. This common ancestor is the point at which both branches diverged from a shared commit history. It represents the state of the code at that specific point in time.

Knowing the common ancestor commit is useful in various scenarios, such as resolving conflicts during a merge or rebase operation. It helps Git determine the changes made on both branches and apply them correctly when merging.

By finding the common ancestor with git merge-base, you can ensure that your merges are based on the most up-to-date shared commit, leading to more accurate and meaningful merging of code changes in your Git repository.

git merge-base Command Examples

1. Print the best common ancestor of two commits:

# git merge-base commit_1 commit_2

2. Output all best common ancestors of two commits:

# git merge-base --all commit_1 commit_2

3. Check if a commit is an ancestor of a specific commit:

# git merge-base --is-ancestor ancestor_commit commit
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