“git merge-into” Command Examples

The git-merge-into command is part of the “git-extras” extension, which provides additional Git commands to enhance your Git workflow. The git-merge-into command is designed to simplify the process of merging one branch into another branch.

To use git-merge-into, you need to have the “git-extras” extension installed. Once installed, you can run the following command:

# git merge-into [source-branch] [destination-branch]

In this command, [source-branch] represents the branch from which you want to merge changes, and [destination-branch] represents the branch where you want to apply those changes.

The git-merge-into command performs a merge operation, applying the changes from the source branch into the destination branch. It handles the merge process automatically, including any necessary conflict resolution.

It’s important to note that the “git-extras” extension is developed independently and is not part of the official Git distribution. Therefore, it’s not included by default when you install Git. You’ll need to install “git-extras” separately if you want to use the git-merge-into command or any other commands provided by the extension.

git merge-into Command Examples

1. Merge a source branch into a specific destination branch:

# git merge-into source_branch destination_branch

2. Merge current branch into a specific destination branch:

# git merge-into destination_branch
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