“git ls-files” Command Examples

In Git, the “git ls-files” command allows you to obtain information about files in both the Git index and the working tree of a repository. It provides a list of files along with relevant details.

When you run the “git ls-files” command in your terminal or command prompt within a Git repository, it will display a list of files that are currently tracked by Git. By default, it shows the file names relative to the repository’s root directory.

The information provided by “git ls-files” includes:

  • File Names: The names of the files tracked by Git. These files exist in either the Git index or the working tree. The index is a staging area where changes are prepared for the next commit, while the working tree is the current state of the files in your local repository.
  • Additional Details: You can use command-line options with “git ls-files” to include additional information about the files. For example, the “-s” option displays the file’s status (e.g., modified, deleted, untracked) and the corresponding object name in the Git database.

By default, “git ls-files” shows information about files in both the index and the working tree. However, you can specify options to limit the output to specific files or directories. For example, you can use pathspec patterns to filter the files based on their location in the repository.

The “git ls-files” command is particularly useful when you want to examine the current state of files in your repository. It allows you to see which files are tracked by Git and provides insights into their status and location within the repository structure. This information can be helpful when managing your project, reviewing changes, or troubleshooting any issues related to specific files.

git ls-files Command Examples

1. Show deleted files:

# git ls-files --deleted

2. Show modified and deleted files:

# git ls-files --modified

3. Show ignored and untracked files:

# git ls-files --others

4. Show untracked files, not ignored:

# git ls-files --others --exclude-standard


Overall, “git ls-files” is a versatile command that provides information about the files in both the Git index and the working tree. It assists you in understanding the status and location of tracked files within your repository.

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