“git ls-remote” Command Examples

In Git, the “git ls-remote” command allows you to list references (branches, tags, and other references) in a remote repository. It provides information about these references based on their name or URL.

When you run the “git ls-remote” command in your terminal or command prompt, you can specify either the name or URL of a remote repository as an argument. Git will then communicate with the specified remote repository and retrieve a list of references present in that repository.

If you don’t provide a name or URL, Git will use the configured upstream branch by default. The upstream branch is typically the branch that your local branch is tracking. If the upstream branch is not configured, Git will use the remote repository named “origin” by default.

The output of “git ls-remote” includes the following information for each reference:

  • Commit Hash: The unique identifier (SHA-1 hash) of the commit that the reference points to.
  • Reference Name: The full name of the reference, which can be a branch, tag, or other named reference.

By default, “git ls-remote” displays the references in a text-based format, but you can also use various command-line options to customize the output. For example, you can filter the references based on a specific pattern, format the output to include additional details, or sort the references in a specific order.

The “git ls-remote” command is useful when you want to gather information about the references in a remote repository without having to clone the entire repository locally. It allows you to see the commit hashes associated with different branches and tags, which can be helpful for tracking changes, synchronizing your local repository with a remote repository, or interacting with remote branches.

git ls-remote Command Examples

1. Show all references in the default remote repository:

# git ls-remote

2. Show only heads references in the default remote repository:

# git ls-remote --heads

3. Show only tags references in the default remote repository:

# git ls-remote --tags

4. Show all references from a remote repository based on name or URL:

# git ls-remote repository_url

5. Show references from a remote repository filtered by a pattern:

# git ls-remote repository_name "pattern"


Overall, “git ls-remote” is a versatile command that enables you to list references in a remote repository based on their name or URL. It provides valuable insights into the state of the remote repository without the need for a full local clone.

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