git browse-ci: Open the current git repository’s CI website in the default web browser

The “git browse-ci” command is a part of the “git-extras” package and provides a convenient way to open the Continuous Integration (CI) website associated with the current Git repository in your default web browser.

When working on a software project, especially in a collaborative environment, CI is often used to automatically build, test, and deploy code changes. CI websites, such as those provided by popular CI platforms like Travis CI, CircleCI, or Jenkins, offer detailed information about the build status, test results, and other metrics related to the project’s continuous integration process.

The “git browse-ci” command simplifies the process of accessing the CI website associated with your repository. By executing “git browse-ci” within a Git repository, it automatically detects the CI platform being used (based on the repository’s remote URL) and opens the corresponding CI website in your default web browser. This saves you the effort of manually navigating to the CI website and finding the correct project or build page.

Using “git browse-ci” can streamline your development workflow, making it easier to monitor the status of your CI builds, view build logs, investigate failed tests, and access other relevant information provided by your CI platform.

It’s worth noting that the availability and functionality of the “git browse-ci” command depend on the specific Git extras package you have installed, as different packages might have variations in their implementation or support for different CI platforms. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult the documentation or specific package details to ensure compatibility and proper usage.

git browse-ci Command Examples

1. Open the current repository’s CI configuration on its upstream website:

# git browse-ci

2. Open the current repository’s CI configuration on its upstream website for a specific remote:

# git browse-ci remote


In summary, “git browse-ci” simplifies the process of opening the CI website associated with your Git repository, allowing you to quickly access and review information related to the project’s continuous integration process.

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