git browse: View an upstream repository in the default browser

The “git browse” command, which is part of the “git-extras” package, provides a convenient way to open the upstream repository of your Git project in your default web browser.

When working with Git, you may have a local clone of a repository that serves as your working copy. This repository is often referred to as the “origin” repository, as it is where you push your changes and collaborate with other developers. However, the original repository from which you cloned your project is known as the “upstream” repository. This upstream repository might be maintained by a different organization or a central development team.

The “git browse” command simplifies the process of accessing the upstream repository by automatically detecting the upstream remote URL associated with your repository and opening it in your default web browser. By executing “git browse” within your Git project, you can quickly navigate to the upstream repository’s website and view its contents, branches, commits, issues, and other relevant information.

This command is especially useful when you want to check the latest changes, explore the project’s documentation, or compare your local changes with the upstream repository. It saves you the effort of manually copying and pasting the URL or searching for the repository in your web browser.

It’s important to note that the availability and behavior of the “git browse” command can vary depending on the specific Git extras package you have installed. Different packages might implement this command differently or support different upstream repository hosting platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult the documentation or specific package details to ensure compatibility and proper usage.

git browse Command Examples

1. Open the first upstream in the default browser:

# git browse

2. Open a specific upstream in the default browser:

# git browse upstream


In summary, “git browse” simplifies the process of opening the upstream repository associated with your Git project, allowing you to quickly access and explore its contents in your default web browser.

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