gh completion: Generate shell completion scripts for GitHub CLI commands

“gh completion” is a command provided by GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to generate shell completion scripts for GitHub CLI commands. Shell completion scripts help users automate and streamline their command-line interactions by providing suggestions, autocompletion, and syntax highlighting for GitHub CLI commands and options.

With “gh completion,” users can generate completion scripts for their preferred shell environment, such as Bash, Zsh, or Fish, to enhance their productivity and reduce manual input errors when working with GitHub CLI.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “gh completion”:

  • Shell Compatibility: “gh completion” supports multiple shell environments, including Bash, Zsh, and Fish. Users can generate completion scripts specific to their preferred shell, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.
  • Command Suggestions: Completion scripts generated by “gh completion” provide command suggestions as users type, helping them remember and select the appropriate GitHub CLI commands. This improves efficiency and reduces the need to manually type out entire command names.
  • Option Autocompletion: The completion scripts offer autocompletion for command options, allowing users to quickly select and fill in the desired options without having to remember or type them out manually. This promotes accuracy and saves time when executing complex or lengthy commands.
  • Argument Completion: “gh completion” also provides argument completion for various command arguments, such as repository names, branch names, usernames, and more. This ensures that users provide valid and existing values for their commands, reducing errors and improving command execution.
  • Syntax Highlighting: The completion scripts generated by “gh completion” can include syntax highlighting for GitHub CLI commands and options. This visual enhancement helps users easily identify and differentiate between different parts of the command, improving readability and comprehension.

By utilizing “gh completion,” users can enhance their command-line experience with GitHub CLI by enabling shell completion features. This makes it easier to navigate and execute GitHub CLI commands by providing suggestions, autocompletion, and syntax highlighting, ultimately boosting productivity and reducing errors.

gh completion Command Examples

1. Display the subcommand help:

# gh completion

2. Print a completion script:

# gh completion --shell [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]

3. Append the gh completion script to ~/.bashrc:

# gh completion --shell bash >> ~/.bashrc

4. Append the gh completion script to ~/.zshrc:

# gh completion --shell zsh >> ~/.zshrc


Overall, “gh completion” extends the functionality of GitHub CLI by providing shell completion scripts tailored to users’ preferred shell environments. It empowers users to leverage the convenience and automation of shell completion, enabling them to work more efficiently with GitHub CLI commands and reducing the cognitive load associated with command-line interactions.

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