gh config: Change configuration for GitHub cli

“gh config” is a command provided by GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) that allows users to change the configuration settings for GitHub CLI. Configuration settings determine the behavior and preferences of the CLI, enabling users to customize their GitHub CLI experience according to their needs.

With “gh config,” users can modify various aspects of the GitHub CLI configuration, such as authentication, output formats, default behaviors, and more. This command provides a convenient way to personalize the CLI and adapt it to individual workflows.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “gh config”:

  • Authentication Configuration: “gh config” allows users to set up and manage authentication options for GitHub CLI. Users can configure their preferred authentication method, such as using a personal access token, OAuth token, or SSH key. This enables seamless interaction with GitHub services, such as repository access and issue tracking.
  • Output Configuration: Users can customize the output format of GitHub CLI commands using “gh config.” This includes options to control the display of information, such as enabling or disabling color output, adjusting verbosity levels, and specifying output formats like JSON or YAML. Users can tailor the output to their preferences and integrate it with other tools or scripts.
  • Default Behavior Modification: “gh config” allows users to modify default behaviors and settings of GitHub CLI. For example, users can configure the default branch for repository operations, the default editor for text editing, or the behavior of certain commands. This streamlines the workflow by eliminating the need for repetitive configuration during command execution.
  • Repository and Organization Configuration: Users can configure repository-specific or organization-specific settings using “gh config.” This includes setting up default repositories, preferred sorting options, or specific behavior for specific organizations. It provides a way to customize the CLI behavior based on the context of different projects or collaborations.
  • Global and Local Configuration: “gh config” supports global and local configurations. Global configurations apply to the entire GitHub CLI installation and are shared across all users on the same machine. Local configurations are specific to a particular repository or project. Users can switch between global and local configurations based on their needs.

By utilizing “gh config,” users can fine-tune their GitHub CLI experience by adjusting various settings to match their preferences and requirements. It offers flexibility and personalization, enabling users to optimize their workflow, enhance productivity, and align the CLI behavior with their individual coding practices.

gh config Command Examples

1. Display what Git protocol is being used:

# gh config get git_protocol

2. Set protocol to SSH:

# gh config set git_protocol ssh

3. Use delta in side-by-side mode as the default pager for all gh commands:

# gh config set pager 'delta --side-by-side'

4. Set text editor to Vim:

# gh config set editor vim

5. Reset to default text editor:

# gh config set editor ""

6. Disable interactive prompts:

# gh config set prompt disabled

7. Set a specific configuration value:

# gh config set key value


Overall, “gh config” is a powerful command that allows users to modify and customize the configuration settings of GitHub CLI. It provides the flexibility to adapt the CLI to personal preferences, making it a versatile and user-friendly tool for interacting with GitHub services from the command line.

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