exenv: A tool to easily install Elixir versions and manage application environments

exenv is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of installing and managing different versions of the Elixir programming language. Elixir is a dynamic, functional language built on top of the Erlang virtual machine, known for its scalability and fault-tolerance capabilities. With exenv, developers can easily switch between different Elixir versions, allowing them to work on projects that require specific language versions or test compatibility with different Elixir releases.

The primary purpose of exenv is to provide a convenient way to install and manage multiple Elixir versions on a single system. This is particularly useful when working on projects that have specific version requirements or when trying to reproduce bugs or issues reported in specific Elixir releases. With exenv, you can have different Elixir versions installed side by side, and effortlessly switch between them as needed.

Additionally, exenv provides a simple and consistent way to manage application environments. An application environment is a set of configuration settings, dependencies, and other variables specific to a particular project. With exenv, you can define different environments for your Elixir applications, such as development, testing, and production. Each environment can have its own set of configuration files and dependencies, making it easier to manage and deploy applications in different scenarios.

One of the key features of exenv is its compatibility with other tools and plugins. For instance, it integrates seamlessly with the popular version manager tool called “asdf.” This means you can use exenv alongside asdf to manage not only Elixir versions but also other languages and their respective versions. This compatibility allows for a more holistic and streamlined development environment.

exenv Command Examples

1. Display a list of installed versions:

# exenv versions

2. Use a specific version of Elixir across the whole system:

# exenv global version

3. Use a specific version of Elixir for the current application/project directory:

# exenv local version

4. Show the currently selected Elixir version:

# exenv version

5. Install a version of Elixir (requires elixir-build plugin https://github.com/mururu/elixir-build):

# exenv install version


In summary, exenv is a valuable tool for developers working with Elixir, providing them with the ability to effortlessly install and switch between different Elixir versions. Its support for managing application environments further enhances the flexibility and convenience of developing Elixir projects. Whether you need to work with specific language versions or manage different application configurations, exenv simplifies the process and helps you maintain a productive development workflow.

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