exercism: Download and solve problems from the command-line

Exercism is a command-line tool and platform that offers a hands-on learning experience for programming languages. Its primary purpose is to provide a collection of coding exercises or problems that users can download and solve directly from their command-line interface. Exercism supports a wide range of programming languages, allowing developers to practice and improve their coding skills in their language of choice.

The main idea behind Exercism is to provide users with a structured and guided learning path. It offers a curated set of coding challenges categorized by difficulty level, allowing learners to progress from simple exercises to more complex ones. Each exercise comes with a description of the problem, often including examples, and users are encouraged to solve the problem by writing code that fulfills the specified requirements.

To get started with Exercism, users need to install the Exercism command-line tool, which is available for major operating systems. Once installed, they can use the tool to fetch exercises from the Exercism platform and work on them locally. After solving an exercise, users can submit their solution to the Exercism platform for feedback and mentorship.

One of the key benefits of Exercism is its emphasis on feedback and mentorship. When users submit their solutions, experienced mentors from the Exercism community provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. This feedback loop is invaluable for learners, as it allows them to receive guidance from more experienced programmers and gain insights into alternative approaches and best practices.

Exercism also encourages a collaborative learning environment through its community features. Users can join discussion forums, interact with other learners, and share their solutions with the community. This fosters a sense of community and provides opportunities for learners to engage in discussions, ask questions, and learn from each other’s experiences.

exercism Command Examples

1. Configure the application token and the preferred workspace for Exercism:

# exercism configure --token=your-application-token --workspace=/path/to/preferred/workspace

2. Download a specific exercise:

# exercism download --exercise=exercise_slug --track=track_slug

3. Submit an exercise:

# exercism submit /path/to/file

4. Print the path to the solution workspace:

# exercism workspace


In summary, Exercism is a command-line tool and platform designed to facilitate hands-on learning of programming languages. It offers a collection of coding exercises that users can download and solve locally, providing a guided learning path with increasing levels of difficulty. Through feedback from mentors and interaction with the community, learners can enhance their coding skills and deepen their understanding of programming concepts. Exercism is a valuable resource for both beginners who want to get started with a new language and experienced developers looking to sharpen their coding abilities.

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