dolt branch: Manage Dolt branches

The “dolt branch” command is a functionality provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system that incorporates Git-like features. The “dolt branch” command allows you to manage branches within a Dolt repository, enabling you to work with multiple lines of development and isolate changes within separate branches.

Here are some key aspects of the “dolt branch” command:

  • Listing branches: By running “dolt branch” without any additional options, you can view a list of existing branches in the Dolt repository. This provides an overview of the available branches and helps you identify the branch you are currently on.
  • Creating branches: To create a new branch, you can use the “dolt branch [branch-name]” command. This creates a new branch at the current commit, allowing you to start working on a new line of development. The newly created branch will initially be based on the current branch you are on.
  • Switching branches: The “dolt branch checkout ” command allows you to switch to a different branch. This updates the working directory to reflect the state of the chosen branch, including the tables and data specific to that branch. Switching branches allows you to work on different features or experiment with separate lines of development.
  • Renaming branches: You can use the “dolt branch rename [old-name] [new-name]” command to rename an existing branch. This can be helpful if you want to provide more descriptive or meaningful names for your branches.
  • Deleting branches: The “dolt branch -D ” command allows you to delete a branch. Deleting a branch removes the branch reference and any associated commits specific to that branch. It is important to note that once a branch is deleted, its commits are not recoverable unless they have been merged into another branch.
  • Merging branches: With the “dolt branch merge ” command, you can merge the changes from a specified branch into the current branch. This combines the commit histories and incorporates the changes made in the source branch into the target branch.

These are some of the primary operations that the “dolt branch” command offers. They allow you to manage different lines of development, switch between branches, create new branches, rename branches, and merge changes across branches in a Dolt repository. The branch functionality provided by Dolt enables collaborative development, isolated feature development, and version control of the database schema and data.

Please note that the specifics of the “dolt branch” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of Dolt you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official Dolt documentation or use the “–help” flag alongside the command to access the command-specific help information.

dolt branch Command Examples

1. List local branches (current branch is highlighted by *):

# dolt branch

2. List all local and remote branches:

# dolt branch --all

3. Create a new branch based on the current branch:

# dolt branch branch_name

4. Create a new branch with the specified commit as the latest:

# dolt branch branch_name commit

5. Rename a branch:

# dolt branch --move branch_name1 branch_name2

6. Duplicate a branch:

# dolt branch --copy branch_name1 branch_name2

7. Delete a branch:

# dolt branch --delete branch_name

8. Display the name of the current branch:

# dolt branch --show-current
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