dolt checkout: Checkout the work tree or tables to a specific branch or commit

The “dolt checkout” command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system that incorporates Git-like functionalities. The “dolt checkout” command allows you to switch the work tree or tables in your Dolt repository to a specific branch or commit.

Here are some key aspects of the “dolt checkout” command:

  • Checking out a branch: By using the “dolt checkout ” command, you can switch the working directory and tables to the specified branch. This operation updates the files in your work tree to reflect the state of the chosen branch, including the database schema and data specific to that branch.
  • Checking out a commit: The “dolt checkout ” command allows you to check out a specific commit. This operation sets the work tree and tables to the state of the specified commit, allowing you to examine the database as it existed at that particular point in time.
  • Discarding local changes: If you provide the “–force” flag with the “dolt checkout” command (e.g., “dolt checkout –force [branch-name]”), it discards any local changes you made to the work tree or tables. This is useful when you want to discard your modifications and revert to the state of the chosen branch or commit.
  • Detached HEAD state: When you check out a specific commit rather than a branch, Dolt enters a “detached HEAD” state. In this state, any new commits you make will not belong to a branch. It’s important to be cautious in a detached HEAD state, as creating new commits without being on a branch can make it harder to merge or reference those commits later.

The “dolt checkout” command is particularly helpful when you want to switch between branches or explore the state of the database at different commits. It allows you to navigate the commit history, compare different versions of the database, and work on specific branches or commits in your Dolt repository.

Please note that the specifics of the “dolt checkout” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of Dolt you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official Dolt documentation or use the “–help” flag alongside the command to access the command-specific help information.

dolt checkout Command Examples

1. Switch to a branch:

# dolt checkout branch_name

2. Revert unstaged changes to a table:

# dolt checkout table

3. Create new branch and switch to it:

# dolt checkout -b branch_name

4. Create new branch based on a specified commit and switch to it:

# dolt checkout -b branch_name commit
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