doctl account: Retrieve information about Digital Ocean accounts

The “doctl account” command is a part of the “doctl” CLI tool provided by DigitalOcean. It allows you to retrieve information about your DigitalOcean account and manage various aspects related to your account settings.

Here are some key functionalities and subcommands of “doctl account”:

  • doctl account get“: This subcommand retrieves information about your DigitalOcean account. It provides details such as your account’s email address, UUID, and total number of Droplets, volumes, and other resources associated with your account.
  • doctl account update“: With this subcommand, you can update specific details of your DigitalOcean account. You can modify your account’s email address, billing information, and contact preferences. It provides a convenient way to keep your account information up to date.
  • doctl account rate-limit“: This subcommand displays information about the rate limits associated with your DigitalOcean account. Rate limits define the number of API requests you can make within a certain timeframe. This command helps you monitor and manage your API usage to ensure you stay within the allowed limits.
  • doctl account projects“: This subcommand lists the projects associated with your DigitalOcean account. Projects are organizational units that allow you to group and manage resources like Droplets, volumes, and networks. This command helps you view and manage the projects linked to your account.
  • doctl account ssh-keys“: With this subcommand, you can manage SSH keys associated with your DigitalOcean account. SSH keys are used for secure authentication when accessing your Droplets. You can list, add, or remove SSH keys using this command.
  • doctl account generate-credentials“: This subcommand generates new API credentials for your DigitalOcean account. API credentials are used to authenticate your CLI tool or other applications that interact with DigitalOcean’s API. This command is useful if you need to generate fresh credentials for security reasons or to provide access to a third-party application.

These are some of the subcommands available under “doctl account” that allow you to retrieve information and manage settings related to your DigitalOcean account. They provide you with control over account details, project management, SSH keys, rate limits, and API credentials, enabling you to efficiently manage and customize your DigitalOcean experience.

doctl account Command Examples

1. Display account info:

# doctl account get

2. Show the hourly API limit, progress towards it, and when the rate limit resets:

# doctl account ratelimit

3. Display help:

# doctl account --help
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