doctl apps: Used to manage digitalocean apps

The “doctl apps” command is a part of the “doctl” CLI tool provided by DigitalOcean. It allows you to manage DigitalOcean Apps, a platform provided by DigitalOcean for deploying, managing, and scaling applications in a simplified manner.

Here are some key functionalities and subcommands of “doctl apps”:

    doctl apps create“: This subcommand allows you to create a new DigitalOcean App. You can specify details such as the name, region, and source code location of your application. DigitalOcean Apps supports various deployment types, including static websites, Docker containers, and Jamstack applications.
  • doctl apps list“: With this subcommand, you can view a list of all the DigitalOcean Apps associated with your account. It provides information such as the app name, slug, deployment status, and the number of instances running.
  • doctl apps update“: This subcommand enables you to update the configuration of an existing DigitalOcean App. You can modify properties such as the name, region, source code, environment variables, and other settings.
  • doctl apps deploy“: This subcommand triggers a new deployment for a DigitalOcean App. It allows you to deploy the latest version of your application code to the existing app instances. You can specify the source code branch, commit, or tag to deploy.
  • doctl apps logs“: With this subcommand, you can view the logs generated by your DigitalOcean App. It provides real-time logs that capture events, errors, and other useful information related to your application’s runtime behavior.
  • doctl apps destroy“: This subcommand allows you to delete a DigitalOcean App. It removes all the associated resources, including instances, load balancers, and networking configurations. Be cautious when using this command, as it irreversibly deletes the app and its data.

DigitalOcean Apps simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications by abstracting away infrastructure-related complexities. The “doctl apps” command provides a convenient interface for interacting with DigitalOcean Apps, allowing you to create, list, update, deploy, view logs, and delete your apps. It empowers developers with an intuitive and streamlined approach to application deployment on DigitalOcean’s infrastructure.

doctl apps Command Examples

1. Create an app:

# doctl apps create

2. Create a deployment for a specific app:

# doctl apps create-deployment app_id

3. Delete an app interactively:

# doctl apps delete app_id

4. Get an app:

# doctl apps get

5. List all apps:

# doctl apps list

6. List all deployments from a specific app:

# doctl apps list-deployments app_id

7. Get logs from a specific app:

# doctl apps logs app_id

8. Update a specific app with a given app spec:

# doctl apps update app_id --spec path/to/spec.yml
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