cradle package: Manage packages for a Cradle instance

The “cradle package” command is used to manage packages within a Cradle instance. Cradle is a software development platform that provides tools and services to facilitate application development, and the “cradle package” command allows users to handle packages associated with a Cradle instance.

Using the “cradle package” command, users can perform various operations related to package management within the Cradle environment. Some of the common tasks that can be accomplished using this command include:

  • Installing packages: The command allows users to install packages into the Cradle instance. Packages typically contain reusable code, libraries, or extensions that provide additional functionality to the applications developed within the Cradle environment. By installing packages, developers can easily incorporate and utilize pre-existing solutions in their projects.
  • Updating packages: With the “cradle package” command, users can update packages installed in the Cradle instance to newer versions. This ensures that the applications stay up-to-date with the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches provided by the package maintainers.
  • Listing installed packages: The command provides functionality to list the packages installed in the Cradle instance. This allows users to view the installed packages and their versions, helping to track dependencies and manage the overall package ecosystem within the Cradle environment.
  • Removing packages: Users can also remove packages from the Cradle instance using the “cradle package” command. This allows for the removal of unused or unnecessary packages, reducing the clutter and potential conflicts within the environment.
  • Managing package dependencies: The command helps manage dependencies between packages. It can automatically resolve and install the required dependencies when installing or updating packages, ensuring that the necessary dependencies are available and compatible within the Cradle instance.

By utilizing the “cradle package” command, developers and administrators can easily manage packages within the Cradle environment. It streamlines the process of incorporating external code and functionality into Cradle applications, simplifying development tasks and promoting code reuse.

Please note that the specific functionality and usage of the “cradle package” command may vary depending on the implementation and configuration of the Cradle platform you are working with. It is recommended to consult the official documentation or resources provided by the Cradle platform for more detailed information and guidance on using the “cradle package” command.

cradle package Command Examples

1. Display a list of available packages:

# cradle package list

2. Search for a package:

# cradle package search package

3. Install a package from Packagist:

# cradle package install package

4. Install a specific version of a package:

# cradle package install package version

5. Update a package:

# cradle package update package

6. Update a package to a specific version:

# cradle package update package version

7. Remove a specific package:

# cradle package remove package
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