cradle sql: Manage Cradle SQL databases

The “cradle sql” command is used to manage SQL databases within the context of a Cradle instance. Cradle is a software development platform that provides tools and services to facilitate application development, and the “cradle sql” command allows users to interact with and manage SQL databases associated with a Cradle instance.

With the “cradle sql” command, users can perform various operations related to SQL database management. Some of the common tasks that can be accomplished using this command include:

  • Connecting to a database: The command allows users to establish a connection to a SQL database. This involves specifying the necessary connection details such as the host, port, username, and password. Once connected, users can interact with the database using subsequent commands.
  • Executing SQL queries: Users can execute SQL queries against the connected database using the “cradle sql” command. This includes performing tasks such as creating or modifying database schemas, inserting or retrieving data, updating records, and running complex queries to retrieve specific information from the database.
  • Database migration: The “cradle sql” command provides functionality to perform database migrations. Database migrations are a way to manage and apply changes to the database schema over time. Users can define migration scripts that contain instructions for modifying the database structure, and the command helps execute these scripts to keep the database schema up to date.
  • Database backups and restores: The command allows users to create backups of the SQL databases associated with the Cradle instance. These backups can be used to restore the database to a previous state in case of data loss, corruption, or other issues.
  • Managing database users and permissions: Users can manage database users and their permissions using the “cradle sql” command. This includes creating new users, granting or revoking privileges, and managing access control for different database objects.

By utilizing the “cradle sql” command, administrators and developers can effectively manage SQL databases within the Cradle environment. It provides a convenient way to connect to databases, execute SQL queries, perform migrations, and handle other database-related tasks seamlessly.

It’s important to note that the specific functionality and usage of the “cradle sql” command may depend on the implementation and configuration of the Cradle platform you are working with. It is recommended to refer to the official documentation or resources provided by the Cradle platform for more detailed information and guidance on using the “cradle sql” command.

cradle sql Command Examples

1. Rebuild the database schema:

# cradle sql build

2. Rebuild the database schema for a specific package:

# cradle sql build package_name

3. Empty the entire database:

# cradle sql flush

4. Empty the database tables for a specific package:

# cradle sql flush package_name

5. Populate the tables for all packages:

# cradle sql populate

6. Populate the tables for a specific package:

# cradle sql populate package_name
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