Chezmoi: A multi-machine dotfile manager, written in Go

Chezmoi is a dotfile manager written in the Go programming language. It is designed to help users manage their dotfiles across multiple machines or environments. Dotfiles are configuration files and directories that personalize the settings and behavior of various software applications and command-line tools.

Here are the key features and functionalities provided by Chezmoi:

  • Dotfile Management: Chezmoi simplifies the management of dotfiles by providing a centralized repository to store and organize them. Users can store their dotfiles in version control systems like Git, allowing for easy tracking of changes and synchronization across different machines.
  • Templating: Chezmoi supports templating, enabling users to create dynamic dotfiles that can be customized based on machine-specific or environment-specific variables. Templating allows for flexible configuration and reduces the need for maintaining separate dotfiles for each machine.
  • Encryption and Version Control Integration: Chezmoi supports encrypting sensitive data within dotfiles, such as API keys or passwords. It integrates with popular version control systems, allowing users to securely store and share encrypted dotfiles while maintaining version history.
  • Secret Management: Chezmoi provides built-in support for managing secrets, such as cryptographic keys or SSH credentials, securely. Users can store secrets separately from their dotfiles and easily access them during runtime or deployment.
  • Idempotent Operations: Chezmoi performs idempotent operations, which means that running the same command multiple times produces the same result. This ensures predictable and consistent behavior when applying dotfile changes across different machines or environments.
  • Integration with External Tools: Chezmoi seamlessly integrates with external tools, such as shell scripts or command-line utilities, allowing users to execute custom actions during dotfile installation or updates. This enables automation and customization of the dotfile management workflow.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Chezmoi is designed to work across different operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It adapts to the specific requirements and conventions of each platform, ensuring a consistent dotfile management experience.
  • Documentation and Community Support: Chezmoi provides extensive documentation and has an active community of users and contributors. Users can access guides, tutorials, and examples to learn how to use Chezmoi effectively and benefit from the experiences and knowledge shared by the community.

Chezmoi simplifies the management of dotfiles, providing a centralized and version-controlled approach to organize, customize, and synchronize dotfiles across multiple machines. With its templating support, encryption capabilities, secret management, idempotent operations, cross-platform compatibility, and integration with external tools, Chezmoi offers a powerful solution for maintaining consistent configurations and settings across different environments.

chezmoi Command Examples

1. Initialize chezmoi on your machine:

# chezmoi init

2. Tell chezmoi to manage a dotfile:

# chezmoi add /path/to/file

3. Edit the source state of a tracked dotfile:

# chezmoi edit /path/to/file

4. See changes chezmoi would make:

# chezmoi diff

5. Apply the changes:

# chezmoi -v apply

6. Set chezmoi up on another machine by downloading existing dotfiles from a Git repository:

# chezmoi init

7. Fetch the latest changes from a remote repository:

# chezmoi update
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