chisel: Create TCP tunnels. Includes both client and server

Chisel is a versatile tool that allows users to create TCP tunnels by establishing connections between a client and a server. It provides a convenient way to securely access and transfer data between different machines or networks, even when they are not directly reachable.

Here are the key features and functionalities provided by Chisel:

  • TCP Tunneling: Chisel enables the creation of TCP tunnels, allowing users to establish secure and encrypted connections between a client and a server. This enables data transfer between the two endpoints, bypassing potential network restrictions or limitations.
  • Client-Server Architecture: Chisel operates on a client-server architecture. The client initiates the connection to the server, and once the tunnel is established, data can flow bidirectionally between the client and the server.
  • Secure Connections: Chisel utilizes encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure secure communication between the client and the server. This helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or interception.
  • Port Forwarding: With Chisel, users can forward network traffic from a local port on the client to a remote port on the server. This feature enables accessing services or applications running on the server’s network from the client machine, as if they were running locally.
  • Bypassing Firewalls or NATs: Chisel can be used to bypass firewalls or Network Address Translation (NAT) restrictions. By establishing a tunnel through the firewall or NAT, users can access resources on remote networks that are otherwise inaccessible due to network restrictions or private IP addressing.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Chisel is designed to be cross-platform, meaning it can be used on various operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can create TCP tunnels regardless of their preferred operating system.
  • Flexibility and Configuration Options: Chisel offers various configuration options to tailor the tunneling setup according to specific requirements. Users can specify the client and server addresses, ports, authentication methods, and other parameters to customize the tunneling behavior.
  • Documentation and Community Support: Chisel provides documentation and has an active community of users and contributors. Users can refer to the documentation to understand the tool’s features and usage, as well as engage with the community for support and collaboration.

Chisel simplifies the process of creating TCP tunnels by providing a client-server architecture that enables secure and encrypted connections between machines. With its ability to bypass firewalls or NATs, support for port forwarding, cross-platform compatibility, and configuration flexibility, Chisel offers a powerful solution for establishing secure communication and accessing remote resources.

chisel Command Examples

1. Run a Chisel server:

# chisel server

2. Run a Chisel server listening to a specific port:

# chisel server -p server_port

3. Run a chisel server that accepts authenticated connections using username and password:

# chisel server --auth username:password

4. Connect to a Chisel server and tunnel a specific port to a remote server and port:

# chisel client server_ip:server_port local_port:remote_server:remote_port

5. Connect to a Chisel server and tunnel a specific host and port to a remote server and port:

# chisel client server_ip:server_port local_host:local_port:remote_server:remote_port

6. Connect to a Chisel server using username and password authentication:

# chisel client --auth username:password server_ip:server_port local_port:remote_server:remote_port
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