cd: Change the current working directory

The “cd” command is a widely used command in command-line interfaces and operating systems. It is used to change the current working directory within the command prompt or terminal session. The current working directory refers to the directory or folder in the file system that is currently active or being referenced.

Here’s how the “cd” command works and its key features:

  • Changing the Current Working Directory: When you execute the “cd” command followed by a directory path as an argument, it changes the current working directory to the specified directory. This means that all subsequent commands or file operations will be performed within the context of that directory.
  • Relative and Absolute Paths: The directory path given to the “cd” command can be either a relative path or an absolute path. A relative path is specified relative to the current working directory. For example, if the current working directory is “/home/user” and you execute “cd Documents,” it will change the current working directory to “/home/user/Documents.” An absolute path, on the other hand, starts from the root directory. For example, “cd /var/www” will change the current working directory to “/var/www” regardless of the current working directory.
  • Navigating Up and Down the Directory Hierarchy: The “cd” command allows you to navigate both up and down the directory hierarchy. To move up to the parent directory, you can use the “..” argument. For example, “cd ..” will change the current working directory to the parent directory. To move down into a subdirectory, simply provide the name of the subdirectory as an argument. For example, “cd Documents” will change the current working directory to the “Documents” subdirectory.
  • Tab Completion: Most command-line interfaces and shells provide tab completion functionality, which can be used with the “cd” command. When you start typing a directory name and press the “Tab” key, the shell will attempt to complete the directory name for you. This saves time and helps prevent typing errors, especially when dealing with long or complex directory names.
  • Special Directory Notations: Some operating systems and shells support special directory notations that can be used with the “cd” command. For example, the tilde “~” character is often used as a shorthand notation for the user’s home directory. Executing “cd ~” will change the current working directory to the user’s home directory. Similarly, the “-” character can be used to switch back to the previous working directory. Executing “cd -” will toggle between the current and previous working directories.

The “cd” command is a fundamental tool for navigating and working with directories in a command-line environment. It provides a simple and efficient way to change the current working directory, allowing users to organize and access their files and directories effectively. By using the “cd” command, you can navigate the directory structure, switch between directories, and perform file operations within the desired context.

cd Command Examples

1. Go to the specified directory:

# cd /path/to/directory

2. Go up to the parent of the current directory:

# cd ..

3. Go to the home directory of the current user:

# cd

4. Go to the home directory of the specified user:

# cd ~username

5. Go to the previously chosen directory:

# cd -

6. Go to the root directory:

# cd /
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