cdk: A CLI for AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

The “cdk” command-line interface (CLI) is a tool specifically designed for working with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). The AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework that enables developers to define infrastructure resources in familiar programming languages and deploy them using AWS CloudFormation.

Here are the key features and functionalities provided by the “cdk” CLI:

  • AWS Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The CDK allows developers to define infrastructure resources, such as AWS CloudFormation stacks, using programming languages like TypeScript, Python, Java, and C#. With the “cdk” CLI, developers can interact with the CDK and write infrastructure code in a familiar and expressive language, leveraging the power and flexibility of software development best practices.
  • Resource Stacks: The “cdk” CLI provides commands to create, deploy, update, and manage AWS CloudFormation stacks that are defined using the CDK. These stacks represent sets of AWS resources that can be provisioned and managed as a unit. Developers can use the “cdk” CLI to orchestrate the creation and management of these stacks, making it easier to maintain and deploy infrastructure resources.
  • Programming Language Support: The CDK supports multiple programming languages, and the “cdk” CLI provides language-specific tooling and features for each supported language. Developers can use their preferred programming language and benefit from language-specific libraries, tools, and IDE integrations while working with the CDK.
  • Deployment Management: The “cdk” CLI allows developers to manage the deployment of CDK-based infrastructure resources. It provides commands to deploy stacks, update existing stacks, and perform rollbacks if needed. The CLI also supports stack tagging, resource metadata management, and other deployment-related features.
  • Local Development and Testing: Developers can use the “cdk” CLI to perform local development and testing of their CDK-based infrastructure code. The CLI provides commands to synthesize and inspect the generated AWS CloudFormation templates, allowing developers to review and validate their infrastructure definitions before deploying them to AWS.
  • Integration with AWS Services: The “cdk” CLI seamlessly integrates with various AWS services and features, allowing developers to leverage the full capabilities of the AWS ecosystem. Developers can use the CLI to interact with AWS services, configure access credentials, and manage the deployment of infrastructure resources across different AWS accounts and regions.
  • Extensibility and Community Support: The CDK has a vibrant community of developers contributing to its ecosystem. The “cdk” CLI provides a framework for creating and sharing reusable constructs, which are higher-level abstractions built on top of AWS CloudFormation resources. Developers can leverage these constructs to simplify the definition of complex infrastructure patterns and accelerate their development workflow.

The “cdk” CLI is a powerful tool for working with the AWS Cloud Development Kit. It enables developers to define infrastructure resources using familiar programming languages, manage deployments, and integrate with various AWS services. By using the “cdk” CLI, developers can adopt infrastructure as code practices, leverage their programming language skills, and benefit from the flexibility and scalability of AWS cloud resources.

cdk Command Examples

1. List the stacks in the app:

# cdk ls

2. Synthesize and print the CloudFormation template for the specified stack(s):

# cdk synth stack_name

3. Deploy a space-separated list of stacks:

# cdk deploy stack_name

4. Destroy a space-separated list of stacks:

# cdk destroy stack_name

5. Compare the specified stack with the deployed stack or a local CloudFormation template:

# cdk diff stack_name

6. Create a new CDK project in the current directory for a specified language:

# cdk init -l language_name

7. Open the CDK API reference in your browser:

# cdk docs
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