
lspath Command Examples

lspath is a command-line interface (CLI) application designed to list the contents of the PATH environment variable in Unix-like operating…

lsd Command Examples

lsd is a modernized alternative to the traditional ls command used for listing directory contents in Unix-like operating systems. Developed…

lpstat Command Examples

lpstat is a command-line utility used to display status information about printers in a Unix-like environment. It provides users with…

lpr Command Examples

lpr is a command-line tool used in the CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) environment for printing files from the terminal.…

lpinfo Command Examples

lpinfo is a command-line utility used to list connected printers and installed drivers for the CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)…

lpass Command Examples

lpass is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to interact with the LastPass password manager. It offers users a convenient…

lp Command Examples

lp is a command-line utility used for printing files on Unix-like operating systems. It serves as a simple interface for…

lorem Command Examples

Lorem is a command-line utility designed to generate placeholder text in the form of "Lorem Ipsum" for use in various…

logstash Command Examples

Logstash is a powerful data processing pipeline tool commonly used in conjunction with Elasticsearch and other components of the Elastic…

locust Command Examples

Locust is a powerful load-testing tool designed to evaluate the performance and scalability of web applications by simulating a large…