lorem Command Examples

Lorem is a command-line utility designed to generate placeholder text in the form of “Lorem Ipsum” for use in various design, typesetting, and layout applications. The Lorem Ipsum text is commonly used as filler content to demonstrate the visual presentation of a document or design without distracting from the layout itself.

Key features and functionalities of Lorem include:

  • Random Text Generation: Lorem generates random Latin-like text that resembles standard Lorem Ipsum passages. These passages consist of nonsensical words and phrases that simulate the appearance of natural language text, making them suitable for filling space in design mockups, prototypes, and layouts.
  • Customizable Output: Lorem provides options for customizing the length and format of the generated text. Users can specify the number of paragraphs, sentences per paragraph, and words per sentence to tailor the output to their specific requirements. This flexibility allows users to generate Lorem Ipsum text of varying lengths and complexity.
  • Usage in Design and Development: Lorem Ipsum text is widely used in the fields of graphic design, web design, typography, and typesetting as placeholder content for layout and visual presentation purposes. Designers and developers use Lorem Ipsum to populate mockups, wireframes, templates, and prototypes with realistic-looking text before the final content is available.
  • Visual Representation: Lorem Ipsum text helps visualize the overall layout and design of a document, website, or application by filling empty spaces with content that resembles readable text. It allows stakeholders to evaluate the aesthetics, readability, and usability of the design without being distracted by the actual content.
  • Lorem Ipsum Origins: Lorem Ipsum is derived from a Latin passage by Cicero, a Roman statesman and philosopher, which has been altered and adapted over time to create nonsensical but readable text. The term “Lorem Ipsum” itself comes from the first two words of a corrupted version of Cicero’s text.
  • Standardized Format: Lorem Ipsum passages typically follow a standardized format, consisting of multiple paragraphs with varying sentence lengths. This format ensures consistency and repeatability in the generated text, making it suitable for use in a wide range of design and layout applications.
  • Development and Testing: Lorem Ipsum text can also be used in software development and testing to generate sample data for populating database tables, generating test cases, or simulating user input. It provides developers with realistic-looking data for testing the functionality and performance of applications.

lorem Command Examples

1. Print the specified number of words:

# lorem -n [20]

2. Print 10 lines of Goethe’s Faust:

# lorem -l [10] --faust

3. Print 5 sentences of Poe’s Raven:

# lorem -s [5] --raven

4. Print 40 random characters from Boccaccio’s Decameron:

# lorem --randomize -c [40] --decamerone


In summary, Lorem is a versatile and widely-used tool for generating placeholder text in the form of Lorem Ipsum. Whether used in design and development, typography, or testing, Lorem Ipsum text serves as a valuable resource for creating visually appealing and realistic-looking layouts and prototypes.

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