“az storage table” Command Examples

The “az storage table” command is a feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to manage NoSQL key-value storage in Azure. Azure Table storage is a distributed key-value store provided by Microsoft Azure, which offers a flexible and scalable solution for storing structured data.

With the “az storage table” command, you can perform various operations on Azure Table storage, such as creating new tables, listing existing tables, deleting tables, inserting entities into tables, querying entities based on specific conditions, updating entities, and deleting entities.

Azure Table storage is a schemaless NoSQL store, meaning that each entity within a table can have different properties. Entities are organized within tables, and each entity must have a partition key and a row key, which together uniquely identify the entity within a table.

The “az storage table” command enables you to interact with Azure Table storage using the Azure CLI. You can automate and script these operations, making it easier to work with NoSQL key-value storage in Azure. This command is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to store and retrieve structured data without the need for complex relationships or transactions.

By using the Azure CLI, you can efficiently manage your Azure Table storage, create tables for different data types, insert and retrieve entities, query data based on specific criteria, and update or delete entities as needed. The “az storage table” command, as part of the Azure CLI, provides a convenient way to handle key-value storage in Azure Table storage, allowing you to effectively store and retrieve structured data in a flexible and scalable manner.

az storage table Command Examples

1. Create a new table in the storage account:

# az storage table create --account-name storage_account_name --name table_name --fail-on-exist

2. Generate a shared access signature for the table:

# az storage table generate-sas --account-name storage_account_name --name table_name --permissions sas_permissions --expiry expiry_date --https-only

3. List tables in a storage account:

# az storage table list --account-name storage_account_name

4. Delete the specified table and any data it contains:

# az storage table delete --account-name storage_account_name --name table_name --fail-not-exist
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