“az storage” Command Examples

The “az storage” command is a comprehensive feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that enables you to manage Azure Cloud Storage resources. Azure Cloud Storage is a flexible and scalable storage solution provided by Microsoft Azure, which allows you to store and retrieve various types of data such as files, blobs, tables, queues, and disks.

With the “az storage” command, you can perform a wide range of operations to manage your Azure Cloud Storage resources. Some of the key functionalities include creating and managing storage accounts, creating and managing containers for blob storage, managing entities in Azure Table storage, working with queues in Azure Storage Queues, and managing disks for virtual machines.

The “az storage” command provides a unified interface for interacting with different types of storage resources in Azure. It allows you to automate and script common management tasks, making it easier to work with Azure Cloud Storage resources in a consistent manner.

Using the Azure CLI, you can create storage accounts to establish the foundation for your storage resources. You can then create containers within blob storage to organize and manage your blobs, which are unstructured data objects such as files, images, and documents. Additionally, you can manage entities in Azure Table storage, which provides a NoSQL key-value storage option. Furthermore, you can work with queues in Azure Storage Queues to enable asynchronous messaging and coordination between components of your applications or services.

The “az storage” command also allows you to manage disks associated with virtual machines. You can create, attach, detach, and delete disks as needed, providing storage for your virtual machines in Azure.

az storage Command Examples

1. Create a storage account:

# az storage account create -g group_name -n account_name -l location --sku account_sku

2. List all storage accounts in a resource group:

# az storage account list -g group_name

3. List the access keys for a storage account:

# az storage account keys list -g group_name -n account_name

4. Delete a storage account:

# az storage account delete -g group_name -n account_name

5. Update the minimum tls version setting for a storage account:

# az storage account update --min-tls-version TLS1_2 -g group_name -n account_name


Overall, the “az storage” command, as part of the Azure CLI, provides a comprehensive and versatile set of tools for managing various Azure Cloud Storage resources. It allows you to efficiently work with different storage types, automate management tasks, and integrate storage operations into your workflows, enabling you to leverage Azure Cloud Storage to store, retrieve, and manage your data effectively.

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