“az tag” Command Examples (Manage tags on a resource)

The “az tag” command is a feature of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to manage tags on Azure resources. Tags provide a flexible way to categorize and organize your Azure resources, enabling you to add metadata and attribute values to resources for better management, tracking, and governance.

With the “az tag” command, you can perform various operations to manage tags on Azure resources. These operations include creating new tags, assigning tags to resources, listing tags and their associated resources, removing tags from resources, and deleting tags.

Tags consist of a name-value pair that can be assigned to Azure resources. The name of a tag represents a category or label, while the value provides additional information or context. For example, you can create a tag named “Environment” with a value of “Production” to indicate that a resource is part of the production environment.

Tags can be applied to a wide range of Azure resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, and more. By assigning tags to resources, you can easily group and filter resources based on specific criteria, making it easier to manage and organize your Azure environment.

The “az tag” command allows you to automate and script tag management tasks, making it more efficient to work with tags on Azure resources. You can integrate the command into your workflows, use it in conjunction with other Azure management tools, and leverage the power of scripting to perform bulk operations on tags.

By using the Azure CLI, you can effectively manage tags on your Azure resources, gain better visibility and control over your resources, and streamline resource organization and management. The “az tag” command, as part of the Azure CLI, provides a convenient and powerful way to manage tags, enabling you to implement consistent tagging practices and improve resource management in your Azure environment.

az tag Command Examples

1. Create a tag value:

# az tag add-value --name tag_name --value tag_value

2. Create a tag in the subscription:

# az tag create --name tag_name

3. Delete a tag from the subscription:

# az tag delete --name tag_name

4. List all tags on a subscription:

# az tag list --resource-id /subscriptions/subscription_id

5. Delete a tag value for a specific tag name:

# az tag remove-value --name tag_name --value tag_value
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